10 Things that Won’t Happen to Men


10 Things that Won't Happen to Men

10 Things that Won’t Happen to Men


  • Will never be jealous of their friend’s new clothes.
  • They will never get depressed when they overate.
  • They will never ask a random person: “where did you buy these fabulous pants?”
  • You will never hear a man tell his friend, “Wow, you look good!” or “Those pants make your butt look smaller!”
  • You won’t see them confused for half an hour when purchasing a pair of shoes.
  • They will not extend their wardrobe; make a new acquisition only after disposing of an old or broken item.
  • You will never hear a man cry out in despair, “I don’t have anything to wear!”
  • A man doesn’t refrain from farting for a long time, and once the first one slips out, he will never hold them back again…
  • Men will never refuse sex because they didn’t shave!
  • Nor will they ever refuse sex because they feel too fat!


1 Comment
  1. Avatar of MF
    MF says

    Right on girl!

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