Words: Stay With Me or Go Away!
Words: Stay with me or go away!
Stretch my veins to catch a ghostly ray!
Oh, Jupiter! Would you please wait!
My spacecraft hasn’t forged its wings yet.
Words! You had better play.
The world’s loud tune might make you deaf.
My roads seem to be in a thick net.
Words! You are hanging on my tongue like a pink belt.
Words! My spacecraft might be waiting for sunset.
Oh, sunset! I am still on my daily nap.
Will you rush to me in your dark cap?
Words! You put on weight to be fat.
Can you lift my spacecraft until sunset?
Sunset! On what are you going to make a bet?
Words! Stay to catch a ghostly ray!
Stay with me or go away.
I not only love this poem. I can relate to it. All my life I’ve labored under an invisible disease that burned my memory through the years. Now in the winter of my years, I just hope others will remember the Words that came to me momentarily and then flew away leaving me with PD. Great job.
Very beautiful and poignant poem!