Where Boats Once Rowed
Where Boats Once Rowed
To know his lips
And know their mine
The tender touch
Hands intertwined
To know his heart
It’s beating rhyme
That grabs her soul
Tears fall in time
A Christmas Eve
And mistletoe
Emotion explodes
A river flows
Hearts pound
A trumpet blows
On the ice lake
Where boats once rowed
Gentle whispers
In careless tunes
Blue nights
Light moons
Hazel eyes
Pierce her room
And ask her heart
If love is doomed
No voices needed
She hears him
Under her sheets
Where it begins
Longing lonely
For this sin
Pushing pulling
For love’s win
Gifts exchanged
A chocolate dove
Needing him
It got tough
Chocolate melts
Edges rough
Needing this
Needing love