Watching Suffering Eyes


Watching Suffering Eyes

Watching Suffering Eyes

“His tummy’s hard, is something wrong?”
Drew’s mommy held him close.
“I’m sure he’s fine, so do not fear.”
The doctor smiled and rose.

“Don’t be alarmed, we’ll check it out.
I’m ordering some tests.
Within a day or two, we’ll know
What treatments to suggest.”

A few days passed awaiting news;
We knew something was wrong.
We prayed that God would heal our child,
Convinced that He is strong.

Our little Drew cried day and night,
No comfort would avail.
Then finally we got the call—
Our lives had been derailed.

“I’m sorry to report to you
Your son is very ill.
A high-risk neuroblastoma…”
Our world stood deadly still.

I sat there speechless holding Drew
There’s surely some mistake!
The doctor wiped a tear away
“Aggressive steps we’ll take!”

The days and weeks and months ahead
Were filled with more bad news.
We tightly clung to Jesus’ hand
Determined He’d not lose.

Time seemed to take its toll on Drew
His strength began to wane;
And yet we clung to promises.
Our God, He will sustain!

Too small to tell us how he felt
Our little one just cried.
No one could rest, his moans and groans—
His tears would not subside.

Oh God, where are You, hear our plea!
Our son is fading fast.
We trusted You and yet we’re here…
How long must trials last?

“My child, I’ve been here from the start;
This came as no surprise.
I’m here—I’ve never turned away—
I hear your pleas and cries.”

“I see your faith and know your hearts
And I will do My part.
Just trust me for I have a plan,
My healing I’ll impart.”

But, God, to us it seems unfair
Our son deserves much more.
He’s never had a chance to live,
To play or to explore. Have mercy, Lord, and prove Your Word.
In faith, we’ve trusted You.
We know you CAN, but WILL You, Lord?
Your Word can’t be untrue!

Please touch him, Lord, and make him whole,
He can’t endure much more.
It’s hard to watch him suffer so
We beg You … we implore!

“My strength I’ve given unto You;
Your weakness proves Me strong.
I’ve known the end since this began…
I’m with you all along.

“Be still and know that I am God.
One day you’ll surely know
That I have never turned My back.
My healing I’ll bestow.”

The hardest thing for us, O Lord,
Is watching suff’ring eyes
As little Drew lies helplessly…
Oh, listen to his cries! Lord, don’t hold back Your cleansing streams;
Arise on healing wings!
Revive our little baby boy,
Immerse him in Your springs!


A year had passed and still, we prayed,
Our little Drew grew frail.
The doctors gave us little hope;
He lay there limp, and pale.

Each treatment seemed to weaken him;
His blood counts bottomed out.
But somehow he would make it through,
Once more relieving doubt.

When Drew was nearly two years old,
One morning before light,
The sounds of heaven filled his room—
Imagine my delight!

I looked and there lie little Drew
No tears were in his eyes.
I heard a voice from heaven say,
“My child, I’ve heard your cries!”

“The time has come for you to know
His healing’s now complete.
Now raise your child and watch him grow
My pow’r knows no defeat.”

Our doctor did his rounds that day,
Confirming what we knew.
God’s healing was made manifest,
New life was given Drew.


The years have passed and never once
Has Drew felt any pain;
The high-risk neuroblastoma
In him could not remain.

When Drew stops by to see us now
His wife, his son—such joy!
We stand in awe of what God’s done.
He healed our little boy.

Note:  This is dedicated to all children with deadly neuroblastoma.

  1. Avatar of Saver Valentine
    Saver Valentine says

    Very sensitive and moving poem

  2. Avatar of Haynes Burton
    Haynes Burton says

    Simply wonderful. Thank you very much!

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Angie's Diary