The Seasons have Changed!
I liked the summer
and the ardor it brought;
Winter was welcome
as it drove my gloom.
Rains were always
a passion for my soul,
And my heart bloomed in the spring.
Even in the fall my dormant moods
would rise,
And the changing seasons
brought a transition.
Now, summers worry me
when children go
in the sun.
And in the winters
nothing seems enough to bring warmth.
.During the rains there is a downpour
Of my spirits;
When the elder one brings home
wet clothes and muddy shoes.
And when strength runs out
drying the baby ‘s clothes.
When flowers fill the gardens
or the leaves fall from the trees;
I find myself putting balm to their foreheads
and have a stressful sleep.
Seasons come and the seasons go
Yet ever since I am a mother,
My life revolves around my children’s woe
although the seasons have changed.
You are so right, how much fun we had as children in the seasons – each bringing us joy and laughter – waiting for the sun, snow, rain, and each drop of each season was another game. But as we grow older you are right, seasons change. Thanks, Nancy
Thank you Nancy !