The Lies Tide


I have to learn to forgive
in order to learn how to love!

It is sad that just now I’ve discovered
that I lived a lie
my childhood lays in lies,
my teenage years are fed with lies,
all around me are tied up by lies…
when the bubble splashed in my face
all my life was smeared with their crap
And now I am supposed to say thanks:
You were so kind that you fed me
while the lust was floating on your skins
You were so kind to learn me to say “mom”
to the wrong person in order to put my own in the ground
only by opening my mouth
telling stories about my new baby sister

You were so kind ….
You lied so much…
You hide so well the dirt…
In the end the lie became your truth
How not to hate me when I am the only proof ?!
I stand for: You are guilty ! You broke so many rules!
But now the time put on your faces the masque of innocence
Oh, yes you’ve suffered, you lost a baby!
Sad! Tragic even!
The punishment comes always in our kids!
So, I have to learn how to forgive you
In order to learn how to love my kid
enough not to break any law
For the first time I experience unconditional love
For the first time I am not afraid to say I love you
thanks to my child

This morning I’ve realised that god really loved me
simply because I’ve survived the lies tide

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Angie's Diary