The Blues


The Blues - robert-johnson
Sing those blues

Sing those blues, baby,
toes tapping in dusty shoes

Beat of the music
that stirs your soul.
Wail the notes,
that wake the night.

Sing those blues, baby,
Out to the Mississippi river
and down Memphis way.

  1. Avatar of Nancy Denofio
    Nancy Denofio says

    You must have been a song writer once. I have listened to some recent songs especially the one about all the people in my small town are dead and dying, and it hits home, everytime I hear it, it sounds a great deal about those poetic memoirs which I write, taking all those little things out and writing about them. Keep writing, I am sure you have more. Sincerely, Nancy

    1. Avatar of A. F. Stewart
      A. F. Stewart says

      Thanks, Nancy. I don’t about being a songwriter though; I doubt most of my poetry would make the top of the charts.

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