Spiritual Gait
The reconciling and reaching
tendrils of loving magnitude
touching the earth with the
golden orb.
The elixir of life
enters and eagerly washes and
waves a portal newly realized
and reunited.
A statement and
situation savors a complex reason
and completely crushes the world.
The motion and motor forever
cloaking and canvassing the
tapestry of the Great Weaver.
A moment suspends and surprises
the onlooker held in the moment.
A creation, captivating and catapulting
our sanctuary, ever inscribed in the
sea of spiritual contentment.
A lifetime to kaleidoscope and
keep the heart by creating a coupling
between the indescribable testimony
and the indestructible moment,
forever a part of our lives.
This poem is a sample of the paperback Spiritual Gait.
Eye behold the eye