


July 1978, the world was given a gift
the day you took your first breath
born in June of the same year
there were twenty-seven days
between our first crying tears

growing up in Queens, New York
your childhood – spent in the city
my sheltered life in Cleveland, Ohio
proved – cookie-cutter houses aren’t pretty

chaos loomed around every corner
two children unable to do any right
each step taken – egg shells cracked
loudly, echoing – creating panic & fright

enduring pain from our fathers hands
scars remain, delicate on our souls —
although years have passed, moments
exist, where burning skin still has all control

untrusting, defending, carrying guilt & shame
lived the forces behind our battles to survive
eventually, pens & paper became my friends
while comedy & music guided you to thrive

blinded, unaware our paths would cross
thirty years passed our births, unknown
forces began a whirlwind of change
leading to answers for all we have prayed

discovering together the similarities of our lives
finding comfort now, pain understood
walls slowly crumbled — friendship grew
warmth filled our hearts in places only darkness knew

with the passing of time — through patience, trust
our foundation has been built in balance and love
happiness & companionship have come
in the form of many counted blessings from above

healing together without expectations
no pain from the past or current, temporary
situations, will take us again down the dark road
of regret – enough time there was already spent

glimpses of pain come through less frequently
yet our child-like selves, from summer ‘78
check in often to remind us to stay humble
never forgetting all we share, our fate

our lives have aligned – two souls are now one
refusing to imagine not knowing your voice
no longer carrying the weight of our worlds alone
anything we endure now, is together, by choice

no longer chasing butterflies, we will never die easy…

  1. Avatar of Andrew J. Sacks
    Andrew J. Sacks says

    Thank you for the fine and memorable work, Amanda.

  2. Avatar of MiriamSPia
    MiriamSPia says

    Like so much of poetry, it is somehow both vague and general and wafting like smoke or an odor – airborn vapors, and yet precise with clear images.

  3. Avatar of Nancy Duci Denofio
    Nancy Duci Denofio says

    Amanda thanks so much for touching many hearts with this selection. Sincerely, Nancy

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Angie's Diary