Someday we would play
My child,
When I’d spare the time.
Each day you bring to me
Your toys and ask
If I could play with you.
Yet, I’m too busy
And exhausted.
I make an excuse and refuse.
Someday we would play
My child,
When I would
spare some time.
Life today is stressful
And afflicted,
You are though
too small to understand.
But, allow me another go!
Let me at first
try and conform.
Someday we will play
My child,
Before you really grow,
Let me tide over
the tough times now,
And conquer
the destinations new,
While I’m in the race.
Because there are
Years to stay.
Someday we would play
My child,
Times have somehow moved
too fast.
It’s not the ball
or swing any more,
Nor do you seem to
Rely on my score.
You have grown
and absorbed in a world
Of your own.
How I wish
Someday, you would
ask me to play.