Prayer for the Soul


Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire,
un-uttered or expressed.

The emotion of a hidden fire,
burning beneath the chest.

Prayer is the burden of a sigh,
the falling of a tear.

The upward glancing of an eye,
when only God is near.

Prayer is Heaven’s humble speech,
that teaches the damned to fly.

The voice behind the words we preach,
and the truth of the Devil’s lie.

Prayer is the soul’s awaited ease,
the comfort of a home.

A humble gesture from our knees,
stronger than rock or bone.

Prayer is the wisdom we receive,
from His gentle voice.

Its the truth of that which we believe,
its the power of a choice.

Prayer is the love we hold inside,
the way we come to see.

That in His heart our souls abide,
through His love we are free!

  1. Avatar of Tina Provence
    Tina Provence says

    absolutely moving. keep up the great work my wonderful son

  2. Avatar of Patty
    Patty says

    Chandler, your words move me. What great inspiration!

  3. Avatar of Jeannie Barber
    Jeannie Barber says

    Chandler, you’ve mastered in words what many people have never even began to understand. What depth and sincerity. Absolutely beautiful. Proud of you!

  4. Avatar of Peggy McDaniel
    Peggy McDaniel says

    It’s really beautiful..These all speak to my heart. Thank You

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