My Treasure To You


My Treasure To You

My Treasure To You

Oh!! My child!! I will soon be dead
Leaving you without any crown on the head
Only these few words that you should regard
They are more precious than an emerald
Listen carefully and contemplate every word

You have got a long life ahead
I want you to learn how to have it in hand
It won’t give you what you have pled
Unless you have a good head
And follow what I said

I really want you to understand
Life is not as easy as people pretend
It’s not heaven and neither a feather bed.
Your route is full of prickles that you should forefend
Elbow your way to reach your end

Stroll the ground to earn your bread
Make the acquaintance of all kinds of people even the bad
Be clever and on them never depend
Learn things implicitly without any demand
Take the virtue and leave the fault behind

Neither selfishness nor greed can make you glad
Be to all kinds of the human race a friend
Smile at their faces even those who drive you mad
Be in harmony with whatever lives on your land
Always remember that you cannot applaud with one hand

Stand upright and keep your dignity and pride
Be the master of your destiny and never show dependence of any kind
Nothing is more valuable than what you can do for humankind
Persevere to make human life docile and no longer wild
Only your deeds can engrave your name in people’s mind

by Chaouki Mkaddem

  1. Avatar of angela cockburn
    angela cockburn says

    this moves me so much Chaouki x

  2. Avatar of angela cockburn
    angela cockburn says

    beautiful…so touching…

  3. Avatar of Paula Shene
    Paula Shene says

    Thank you for the link to this poem – a true statement for a well lived life

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