


Have you seen her –
it’s been since 1989
grown, but police say
she looks like this –
police tell all the
homes on our street
to look for her –

Went missing while
she was playing in
her front yard – the
cops gave up – and
new neighbors moved
in – never knew about
the missing girl back
in 1989 –

Parents let their children
play in their front yard
felt safe in the
neighborhood – felt
safe until another child
fitting the same description
disappeared last week –

In a few years she too
will be history – until
another child brings her
back to life.

  1. Avatar of Andrew J. Sacks
    Andrew J. Sacks says

    Nancy, fine work, as always, and thought-provoking as usual. Thank you!

  2. Avatar of Nancy Duci Denofio
    Nancy Duci Denofio says

    Thanks Andrew – as I looked this over for the second time I knew I could have drawn this out to be more descriptive, but yes, I do like to leave the reader guessing. Thanks again. Nancy

  3. Avatar of Frances Ayers
    Frances Ayers says

    Sad but very descriptive account of the lives of missing children.

  4. Avatar of Nancy Duci Denofio
    Nancy Duci Denofio says

    Thanks Frances, it is a shame that so many children even in the suburbs are still missing, it is as if they never existed to begin with. I simply will never understand this. Sincerely, Nancy

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Angie's Diary