Mighty November


Mighty November
Oh, November

when the mighty winds blow!
The four letter word called

Of flu shots
and whiskey shots in coffee.
Mitts, gloves and hats
come out of storage
and extra shots of syrup in your porridge
decorating trees
and making christmas toffee.

Pulling on long johns to stay warm
Shoveling the drive
decking the halls
watching as that four
letter word falls.

Tis the season to be jolly
Let shopping be the  fools folly.
Start the battle to  remain thin.
Do let the games begin!!

1 Comment
  1. Avatar of Nancy Denofio
    Nancy Denofio says

    Great to bring us into the month of November with the hopes we survive DECEMBER, my thoughts completely. Good Job. I was with you. Sincerely, Nancy

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