A Long Trip Home
A Long Trip Home
On the bus, driving on a rough road,
Would you be there waiting for me, sweetheart
When do I get to the destination where you are?
Would you be there
When I have sweated it out
And my muscles ache, yearning for care and tenderness;
Knowing that I have lost everything
And you are the only one who gives my life a meaning
And something to long for?
Would you be there?
The road is rough,
Pot-holes here and there
And untarred,
Yet I refused to be deterred
Because there you are at the end of the roughness
Something to come home to.
Would you be there, sweetheart?
Just there, waiting for me
The very way the good Lord decided
Your flesh is flesh
And the green plants worry not about shelter.
Would you be there, love?
Your eyes smiling
Your eyes azure
And your entirety the reflective mirror of repair.
Would you be there, darling?
In a passenger’s vessel, sailing on a turbulent sea,
The current merciless
The waves threatening;
The wind enjoyed the discomfort of the ship.
My love, would you be there?
Would you be there
With your arms wide open
With salty sweat all over my substance
To receive me
And say, ‘man of valour’
You have driven on many rough roads
Sailed in many turbulent waters
To prove that there is an unexplainable emotion called love
And you drove and sailed to conquer?
Would you be there?
In the air
Navigating galloping clouds
And foggy heights
And far away from the earth and earthly life;
My breath in suspense
To be released in your presence.
Would you be there, dear?
In a train
Driving on a disjointed rail
To be with you
With my baggage;
With contentment of love,
Would you be there with the nakedness of your heart
And the clothing of your flesh,
The beautiful scent of your breath welcome me
Saying, ‘I put him to the test
And he passed all the trials of love.
Would you be there
Waiting for me, the most important of my existence?
Would you?
Be there, my sweet darling
As I am driving and sailing
And flying to meet you
Because I know you will be home
Waiting for me with your scented interior.