Lest We Forget!


Lest We Forget

Lest We Forget

There on the Flanders fields we lay
We gave our bodies but our souls still stay
The war was bloody in trenches lay
Other fallen heroes

We fought for freedom we fought for peace
Our country needed us we answered the call
But death was all most of us found
We now lie here beneath the ground

Then politicians never learn or heed
The lessons of the past they ignore
Again the ugly head of war rose up
More souls in fields lay down to rest

Silent cemeteries now abound
Across the lands where once we fought
Cared for by those who remember us who lie
Under green of grass and blue of sky

Whilst over our heads is swathes of red
Sway poppies who remember us the dead
So plant some poppies in a corner shade
In honour of the dead and the brave

Remember them upon their day
For they never again will pass this way
For those who are left be proud of them
They are our Heroes our honoured ones

Wear your poppy with pride to show
They did not die in vain then turn to
The brave who are still alive and show
We are grateful and we care


1 Comment
  1. Avatar of Nancy Duci Denofio
    Nancy Duci Denofio says

    Michael, these words come directly from your heart and the passion which I know exists from previous works. I have added this to my google plus list for others to enjoy. Sincerely, Nancy

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Angie's Diary