Just Around the Corner
Slumbering soundly like
batten down shutters during
wind driven summer downpour.
Conscious mind furrowing through grey foggy matter
rallying for self-awareness.
Becoming half awaken like
storm slowly subsiding after colossal display.
Only to find myself stumbling into another world,
another time and place.
The new dazzling world appearing as
precious gem filtering the yellowish sunlight, where
no war, no crime, no sickness and no hunger exist.
Engaging cities like castles in the air,
Architecture arching as though mounted
on wings of stallions
giving chase to the grey sky overhead.
Two suns shone over the cities,
the reddish star as close and
menacing as death and the yellowish star like
bucket of wet paint
waiting to spill over.
No sounds of pitter-patter feet just stone silent, and
world cold and metallic grey like
gloomy graveyard.
No children and no crying, nothing the race absent
a long time and mechanized for over millennia.
Waking with a start
apprehending only dream,
went to my grey-yellowish computer console to start writing,
suddenly realizing the mechanization
coming full circle, closing in on our world, our race….
Arresting my thoughts the mirthful
gurgling and laughing of our child in the adjacent room
then only silence like the quietness after
storm filling the night sky.