In Time
In time you will find your dance again
Your rhythm will rock forth the birthing of great nations
You will rise and stand among the stars
Planted by a silver moon
You will show true
The daughter of struggle, pain, and chance
You will find your voice again
And it will peal into the daytime’s brightness
Pollination to the flowers of undying breeds
You will be freedom
You will shout out into the distance
And reminisce on life’s lessons
There will not always be pain
And after the storm’s rain pelts upon your back and brow
You will plow the ground and sow seeds
Of reprieve
You will dance again
And sing your song unto the scattering winds
The melody will be carried into the atmosphere
And all that will hear it will be healed
You have been given this mission
This lesson
This life
Filled with pain, bitterness, beauty and strife
To teach those that look but don’t see
To help those that have need
You have been given as a gift
You are a treasure
Something so very sacred
And in time you will appreciate that which you felt to be misery
Contempt, and ignorance
For that is the beauty of your song
And after your time is gone…
Your song will live on.
“And when we are gone, the song will live on, some stranger will hear and will say this is just how I feel, Every line, every moment is true…” Joe Sample f/ Lelah Hathaway from “The Song Lives On”