In Late


In Late
I would be the laughter

sitting on the bench
blown at by the sea
of which you will gain rest.

The staircase obscured by your step,
the hand deprived of strength
which will enclose yours
in the winter of your life.

But I began to love you
in the wrong hour,
the one that keeps me
from your heart
and makes me punctual
to our fare-well.

  1. Avatar of Hannah Schmidt
    Hannah Schmidt says

    Simply beautiful.
    I’ll be keeping an eye out for you, Emilia!

    1. Avatar of Emilia Filocamo
      Emilia Filocamo says

      Ciao Hannah!!! Sorry for my late in answering you! I just added a new poem now! You are so sweet, thank you! Come on my facebook page, would be a honour for me adding you, I usually post there my poems each day 🙂 A big hug from Italy!

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Angie's Diary