Impressions After a Menthol Cigarette
See those city sparkles of illumination glistening in the moon light?
Out there in the middle of the cold and lonely night?
Those are the souls of our hearts bleeding into the cavity of love
Squeeze them tight, but be careful, each light is a dove
Fragile like the membrane of sweet-water only dust can float on
without remorse
You cannot make them give you their loyalty, you cannot love
by force
But you can lure them all to the waterfall of holy ablution’s dream
And when they take off their politically-correct heavy winter coats,
the stream –
…of never ending drops of divinity will cleanse them
from within
Each man before each woman, naked but without sin
If we only wade into the pool at the foot of the mountain
We might feel our way to the head of the fountain
And drinking from the waters within the waters comingling true
We would know what destiny wishes for each of us to do.
I light up a menthol cigarette and inhale the cold windy sky
The little flame at the end of the plastic lighter flickers
ready to die
The rooftop I am on is an oasis, happy chatter of strangers,
a song
I am standing with perfect aliens, and I get along
The national wellness program to lose weight and be healthy enough
when dead –
…hasn’t yet made us all live in dictatorial dread
I remember when that building across the street was full of life
When I was a child I played with the wind, avoiding strife
Now the breeze has come back to mess up my hair
And somewhere in a dark remote mountain lair –
…there hides the remnant of my previous self, an outcast,
a dreamer
One who fancies himself some sort of redeemer
I know him well, he is an illusion
Born out of loneliness and cultural confusion.
My Calavera has fallen on the concrete floor, I pick it up and
hold it dear
Inside the little plastic skull there hides a residue of primal fear
The city twinkles, the minty cigarette tastes cold and fresh
A bit of invigorating carcinogen permeating my tired flesh
The cell phone vibrates in a texted bit of longing from afar
Twinkle, twinkle my minty city, full of gritty wishes upon a faded star
If only the crowd wasn’t so full of people who know each other well
If only everyone wasn’t so damned nice and so cool, and gosh darn it,
just so swell
The waiter brings around some crumpled miserable thing he calls
an appetizer
If only I was younger here, not so cynical, not another year wiser
I co-mingle and toast with my beer to wash away the cynical aftertaste
Let’s wage love not war; one of the girls looks at me, in haste
She flirts very shyly and coyly goes home alone, not smashed,
just tipsy, a bit
I remember back when I was a child, how difficult it was to admit –
…that the city is full of angry lonely people who are tired
of the anger
That the world is full of hungry sad folks, hungry for
something bigger
That food is not enough to feed the masses in these days
of longing
That all men and women are after some sense of ideal belonging
Without religion and nationalism, and politics so old hat
What’s there left for people to do, how to reinvent the skinning
of the cat?
But, it isn’t me, I am just one token bloke sitting on the side
I have gotten so tired, that I can’t be bothered even to hide
It is the era, the rushed epoch of never ending lore
A full warehouse of stars, and a glitzy website internet store
We’ll sell you all the old 1950’s TV shows again, for a premium
God is dead, so I love Lucy will be the new opium
All we need to do, is get every man, woman and child to plug in
And then we’ll all be naked together, without pesky original sin.
Adam, tell me, was it this that the taste of the apple was like?
Eve, did you blush, don’t be shy, come up to the mike
They will tell us, Paradise was a thing that Milton invented
That the Bible is full of lies, and that finally even the Vatican relented
But I will tell you God lives on in the shadows of my city
Hiding in-between the stars that flicker, each star a joke that’s
oh so witty
He’s hiding in the souls of common folk, certainly not like
you and me
No, in fellows like that pan-handler who is truly free
Arrogant and desperate enough to walk up to you and be bold
He has no ambition to conquer the whole world
His only goal is to get a couple of quarters out of sharp dressed men
Maybe bum a cigarette and a light, just when you least expect it,
that’s when
The democratic effect of smoking Menthols with a vagabond
“What’s your name buddy?” I ask him, and he says
“The name’s Bond, James Bond.”
December 9, 2011 – Konrad Tademar