If the Moon and the Sun Go Out


If the Moon and the Sun Go Out

If the Moon and the Sun Go Out

If the moon and the sun go out
we would immediately find eternity
photographs of our world
would vanish with all forms of life –

No country or kingdom
no land or state – our nation
a place where our universe made
a mistake.

Words have been spoken
loud and clear – on 12/21
something so drastic
is drawing so near –

If the moon and the sun go out
the planet we grew to know
would – simply disappear.

  1. Avatar of Robert Politz
    Robert Politz says

    Nicely said Nancy. Although, if such a huge event is going to happen, what will I wear? After all, everyone, and I mean everyone is going to attend so I absolutely have to look totally spectacular… don’t I…? {;p)

    OMG I have to schedule a manni, a pedi, hair, and I’ll get that fabulous makeup artist I met in Germany. Now for some shopping… new dress, heels, bag, diamonds and… and I probably won’t even have to pay the credit card charges because… um, well, you know. {;p)

    1. Avatar of Robert Politz
      Robert Politz says

      Sorry. I’m not making fun but I just couldn’t resist playing with the 12-21-2012 idea.

  2. Avatar of Nancy Duci Denofio
    Nancy Duci Denofio says

    R.H. could I ever be upset with you – never. I know the reaction, I have heard it a million times, and I will be out singing on the streets, jingle bells with the neighbors. Thanks for the great answer here. Nancy

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