Haiti is Everything
She is everything that is beautiful,
Her black-white pair of eyes
More beautiful than the most precious diamonds
Unprocessed Liberia
Or processed pearls from the west.
Well created
Sensual in every aspect
Pink is her favourite colours
Her thoughts are pink
When she is not exposed to the wind
And her foundation not threatened.
Smooth is her skin
She is the antics of diplomacy
The prevention of ugliness and repulse;
The wind has not come.
She washes the earth
With her kisses
And romances;
The earth has not been shaken.
With her,
Life is a continuum
And death would be only precious
At that point if she said; ‘I love you.’
Knock, knock, and knock
Her door is ever locked;
The wind has come
The earth vibrates.
She opens everything
That has to do with her,
But her door is ever locked;
The earth and the celestials are threatened.
Her kisses not on a selfish brand
Her romances are the same;
Everything she gives,
But not the key to her door,
The wind is devastatingly vexed.
This key
If only it’s available
To have the door opened;
The wind is charged,
The earth is unfavoured with mercy.
The kisses
The romances
The love;
All these aspects that light the life
Are not enough.
The key
Your key
To that precious door
At request, to fulfil your glow,
The wind is windless
Calm is the earth,
But the key is yet to be located.