Face Of Destiny
Face Of Destiny
You, a face of destiny
Standing alone at times
In your guided God dreams
Destiny, destiny, destiny!
We all have one
Search the soul to find it
You, a face of destiny,
you have a calling
A choice
A voice
A thought
A sound
You, a face of destiny,
All it takes is one voice to raise a weathered crowd
Just one voice,
One message,
One thought
That is spoken out loud
You, a face of destiny
Speak now!
Use your talent to voice
Stand up and speak now
You, a face of destiny,
For your vote matters today
Although you silently speak alone,
today, on a ballot
and not among a crowd.
I read your bio and i am glad you kept writing. This poem speaks of the heart and only a person who has known both passion and pain could of written these words. Blessings to you! The inner voice has spoken