Dancing Water
Dancing Water
My personal view
from a pool where
children play – and
water dances before
a storm.
Cellophane water crinkles
gray plastic water splatters
where tiny feet dance –
toes pointed – touching cement –
lightly, chasing raindrops and
mothers never rest.
Bra loose – unhooked, breathe easier –
mother nature changes sunshine into a storm
a rainstorm has stopped a world of peacefulness.
Stress, two Valium – hooked, gathering the children,
today was to be a pleasant day until the raindrops
formed into giant pellets of ice pounding on
children pulled by mothers from the pool,
wrapped in towels – as hail bounces on cement,
Thunder clashes as lightning flashes, trees
swaying, and little toes, pointed –
splash, step, splash on cellophane crinkles.
White light – dancing water
smaller pellets drop softly on plastic.
Beauty was stolen by the wind
peacefulness brought to a halt as summer’s
colors turn to grey and children run
with plastic bubbles around their waist.
A fog appears in the distant sky, a clearing
as unreliable as plastic wrap.
One more pill, before the gates are locked –
Children wave goodbye to their day –
bare feet splash in puddles, towels drag
a flash of light, thunder, their teeth clench
hands cover ears –
cellophane sky slipped in our way
where children came to play.