On our knees –
head tilted,
chin touching wood,
those eye’s of a priest –
God to a child.
We open our mouth –
let the body
of Christ melt on
our tongue.
We were warned
not to chew,
or spit out a a small
white disk –
a bit of bread, and
a sip of wine.
Back to the pew,
third to the right
where nuns
click once to kneel, and
twice to stand.
We close our eyes
tilt our heads and wait –
wait for God
to disintergrate.
Nancy Duci Denofio
(c)2010 all rights reserved
published in “What Brought You Here?”
Ohhh, I remember my first… those were the days.
Sorry I just found this – but you are right. They were trying to make children afraid of the Devil, and instead they brought on more fear of the saints – today it is so different, you can even chew the host. Thanks, Nancy