Candy Girl


There is a place you needed to go to

Where the grass is green and luscious
The bold rays of a golden sun shine down
And warms the air around us

There is no pain or suffering
No aging bones that ache
You are so full of adventure now
Any journey, you can take

Our hearts are heavy and throb with pain
And in our heads, thoughts of you swirl
Even though it was your time to leave us
You’re with us forever, Candy girl.

  1. Avatar of Andrew J. Sacks
    Andrew J. Sacks says

    Traci, fine work as usual. Thank you!

  2. Avatar of traci
    traci says

    Thank you, Andrew. Losing my beloved dog was one of the worst experiences of my life. It is heartbreaking, but, poetry is theraputic for me, so this helps.

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