Blinded by the Setting Sun


Blinded by the Setting Sun

Blinded by the Setting Sun

Between trees
beyond tall grass
up above, on a hill –
silent and waiting,
he stalks.

At dusk, she climbs
to reach the hilltop;
eyes of a stranger
greet her, he smiles –
no one heard her
screams, as he
savagely, grisly beat her –
raped her –

blinded by the sunlight,
between trees –
she – can’t recall his

Resting on a maple leaf
a robin sings –

as a robin’s wings
beats its’ breast.

  1. Avatar of Leonard Dabydeen
    Leonard Dabydeen says

    Intensely emotional write. Rich imagery.

  2. Avatar of Nancy Duci Denofio
    Nancy Duci Denofio says

    Thanks Leonard, appreciate the time you have taken to read… I still recall the day I wrote this. Nancy

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Angie's Diary