All writers are storytellers. Nancy recreates the craft of storytelling throughout a single day - as Author. Ghost Writer. Editor. Motivational Speaker.Advocate.Radio Host. Instructor. Seminars on writing and working with groups - both large or small - specifics; presenting, organizing, and getting to know your own voice. Presentation in the business world or for radio or performing. She loves the world of fine art as well.
She spent twenty-five years as a voice coach - defines storytelling and fashions a sentence into many worlds through hearing. After hearing thousands of voices her experience grows within her and she sees it as a vessel traveling through her - as words on paper, voices in the air, or paint on canvas. Writing is the world around us and a personal experience. Nancy knows each day is a highway for a tomorrow. Each voice or word we hear - another story waiting to be told.
"Woman Writer of the Year" Notre Dame College - 1994 - Women in History Month. Nancy writes in several genres – her love is memoir and non-fiction.
She explains, in detail, who is around her, who followed her or by closing her eyes the tone for the next sentence or scene. She has been capturing this in her own life through the eyes of her grandmother from the Island of Sicily or listening to her mother who sang about her own mother from the Isle of the green.
She would tell you each day, growing up, structured the future as a writer; living with an Irish mother and a Sicilian Grandmother.
Nancy completed several novels as a ghostwriter, and will be finishing another this fall - "Cursed Roots."
Her time - working on her own memoir - has brought her in several directions through the years - learning more about her ancestors as she dug deeper into a true story - surprising even herself. She believes she has stepped into something bigger than she even knew - as she completes this saga. Although she calls it her memoir - it spans generations from - 1800's to the present day. Some may wonder what could hold a reader's attention? Far too much - so Nancy is considering cutting this story into three parts. Be sure to be on the lookout for real-life - from Sicily to America, enjoy the good and the bad - life never follows the straight and narrow.
Nancy began writing as a young girl in the 7th grade - being the only student in her class published and fell in love with free verse. Her first chapbook "Just Another Day" followed by "Grandmother's Bleeding Hearts," and "What Brought You Here?" She has material published in journals and chapbooks, literary magazines since the early eighties.
She is ready to publish "Yesterday's Child" - "Did you ever want to fly?" and "A Governor's Wife." Her biggest glory will be to see her biggest challenge, one day in front of her, as she has with her eyes closed - in 3D.
She has collaborated and published other novels which are now on the market - if you are interested in those titles do not hesitate to ask.
Nancy had the privilege to speak out on health care for those individuals needing it the most in Boston, Philadelphia, Albany, Washington D.C., New Hampshire, and several other destinations. As an advocate, public speaker - motivational both in voice and heart - she made it to the White House. She believes, "When you feel strong enough about something, you never give up." She once had a goal; interview all Presidential Candidates, one on one, and she did - a few lasted over one hour.
She was Honored by President William Jefferson Clinton, for her work on “American’s for Disability Act.”
She spoke on the same stage with the late Senator Edward Kennedy concerning "Save Our Security."
She worked for those who are visually impaired. Volunteered for the Federation for the Blind.
She was a member of the Government Relations Com. for the National MS Society.
Nancy returned to N.Y. after three years in New Hampshire, to Saratoga Springs and she began working on the first Senate Campaign for Hillary Rodham Clinton, in her district. She continued to help when the Senator ran for President. She continues to speak out today.
She has kept her eyes on the Clinton Foundation, explaining, their goals match many of my own. And, she is excited to see another chance for a woman to fight for a seat, but not any ordinary seat, knowing it is time America does not judge anyone since we are all equal.
Nancy, born and raised in Schenectady, N.Y., and residing more than half her life in the city of Saratoga Springs. Married, and blessed with two daughters who blessed her with five grandchildren.
If you asked Nancy what a normal day would be? She would probably tell you -
"One thing a writer has is the gift of time. As I mentioned, storytelling happens all day long - did you see how many people waved leaving the bus on Broadway today? I guess every day is a surprise." She reminds her friends, "an idle mind is for those who have no creativity in their veins." You may one day hear her say, "a mind is a personal cabinet filled with things to do, so don't let them run out."
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Fine work, Nancy!
Thank you Andrew, btw – a wonderful interview last night. Have a wonderful weekend, not one with storm filled clouds. Nancy