Jesus’ Last Words of Love
For Holy Week, when I am off Facebook to journey my Lord’s Passion with Him, I leave you with my poem, “Jesus’s Last Words of Love,” that appeared in my books: “From Jesus to Heaven with Love: A Parable Pilgrimage” and “Living the Call of God” published by Cambridge Books. The happiest Easter for those who celebrate this Christian holiday!
Jesus’ Last Words of Love
Even at the end
Jesus reached out to us
to preach and teach
Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.
Even as He bore the hurts
from their hands
He reached out in forgiveness
with a holy example
to teach humans
how to heal
emotional hurts
Jesus knew to harbor hurt
is to strangle the spirit
thought by thought
Dying, Jesus left us
words for living free
from the suffocation of hate
Today you will be with me in paradise.
Even on His cross
Jesus could never resist a heart
reaching out to Him
Any approach chosen
Jesus is open to
Ask and you shall receive.
Knock and the door shall be open to you.
Seek and you shall find.
Woman, behold thy son…behold thy mother.
When you love
you give safekeeping,
whatever that means to you
When you can no longer
give safekeeping
you seek someone who can
to ease your concern,
just like Jesus
who loved His mother so much
He made her Queen of heaven,
sharing her as our mother, too
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
feeling forsaken
abandoned, alone
a spirit in need
with no one
to comfort Him
Jesus cried out
to the Father
Whom He loved
teaching us
by His holy example
to cry out to the Father
I thirst.
Thirst comes from longing
wanting something necessary
and lacking
For the suffering dying
hunger has disappeared—
the juiciness of life
has drained out—
and they thirst
like Jesus did
It is finished.
The greatest blessing
at the end of life
is to let go
from your lips
with knowing satisfaction—
It is finished!
Father, into your hands I commend my spirit!
Letting go
in peace
His life
had been well done
knowing He had left
a legacy
that would feed
His sheep
for all time
Jesus breathed
His last breath