Are You Still Dancing?


Are You Still Dancing

Are You Still Dancing

Are You Still Dancing?
Are you still dancing, are you having a ball,
Do you still worry when you look down on us all?

Do you sit with your mother or visit with friends,
Small talk with strangers until the day ends?

Are you watching over us, wondering what we’re doing today?
We never stop asking why you went away!

Do you count the days down when you’ll see us again?
Or are you too busy, mingling with friends?

Is it beautiful up there, where I know you must be?
The streets of gold and the crystal sea;

Was your mansion prepared and our seats do they wait?
Don’t worry, we won’t be too late.

When the time is right and we’re all called home,
I know you’ll be waiting and we won’t be alone!

Jesus will greet us, and in your arms, we’ll run,
And you’ll know that your work is done!

So do not despair, we’ll watch over dad.
And even though he misses you, we’ll help him from being so sad.
So dance, be happy and we’ll see you real soon,
But I just have to ask…do you still dance by the light of the moon?

By Amanda M. Thrasher

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