Amanat Damini

Amanat Damini
For I walked carefully among you all
I was one of you, a woman on her way
Here on this turn, there beside that wall
I stood too long, caught the darkest ray
For Evil walks among you too, know this
It is not only mere ethics, mere chance
That which is dark and abysmal, a bloody kris
It is right there, it too takes a stance
Make way for my soul to ascend
I ask not, I demand, for I have the right of divinity
You may not believe, but I have earned
The right to be not forgotten for eternity
Evil, pure and distilled an essential chemical
Sought to strip me of honor, of hope, but failed
Instead, I have been transformed, a modern alchemical
Philosopher’s stone, my identity has sailed
The sky cannot hold me, nor the fury of women
I am your sacrifice, I am your confirmation
I am your shield of shame reflecting the face of men
Evil men, those who come from a dark station
They walk among us entitled to: do as thou wilt
I am not dead, but dwell among you all
I am the woman whom they raped and killed
I am the point of no return, I am the terminus wall
Here I stand, my soul now feeds off of your love
Sing with me, for I travel far to the stars and light
Evil walks among you, but so does Good, a dove
Flying from the heavens lightning in broad daylight
I walked carefully among you all, a diamond
Evil sought to shatter me, instead, it made me unreal
I am the treasure that has been made to bond
My soul is an electric bolt, made the ages to seal
I am India, the Hindu woman who wishes to be free
Look to the sky this day, for I look down upon you
I am the first star of the New Year, I am humanity
And when you say my name say: Amanat Damini was true.