Almost A Father


No legal ties to bind us, no shared blood in our veins.

Yet I call you father, in many many ways.
If soothing words can dry a tear, and love can ease the way.
When difficult times assault, I know you’ll always stay.

You’ve helped me travel down a path of unfamiliar roads.
So many lessons I have learned, by stories you have told.

During fearful times you’ve held my hand and told me I am strong.
You’ve shared my joy, and pain alike and gladly came along.
So richly blessed is how I feel, I’ve had you by my side.
My gratitude is not enough, It’s something I can’t hide.

1 Comment
  1. Avatar of Jack Eason
    Jack Eason says

    Truly beautiful Francis – thank you for posting this poem. 🙂

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Angie's Diary