A Mothers Prayer


“And Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine are the kingdom and the power, and the glory, forever.  Amen.”   ( St. Matthew 6: 13)

A mother’s prayer for the love of her life is to equip her child
with the tools he needs to make it through life.
Each day I pray God protects you on life’s journey.
May the angels protect you, may the Lord guide your way.

When you leave the house my heart will follow.
When I see you cry I feel your sorrow.
When you are injured or hurt, I feel your pain.
When I see you smile or hear your laughter,
my heart rebounds with joy, my child whom I adore.

I wish your dreams come true in all that you endeavor to do.
I wish you find true love with someone who loves you more than I do.
I wish you good health and a life full of happiness.

Remember, I’ll still love you, even when I disagree with some of the things that you do.
That day shall come when I am old and grey.
I will no longer be here to remind you of God’s commandments.

My body may fail me but my love for you will forever dwell within you.
For I’ve always told you how much I love you.
When I am buried and my body turns to dusk, one day we shall meet again,
as long as you are obedient to the Lord.

Please don’t waiver from one word God had written in the Holy Bible.
So Satan can’t deceive you with man-made lies and false doctrine.
For this world will constantly challenge you; Satin will continuously tempt you.
Don’t fall prey to Satan’s corrupt and evil ways.

Just follow God’s commandments don’t deviate, don’t stray.
My love for you will never fade.  This is a mother’s prayer
for the children she struggles to raise today.

“Submit yourselves therefore to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”    – James 4: 7

From Y: God’s Grace – copyright 2010

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