Lighting a Different Kind of Fire


Lighting a Different Kind of Fire

A Different Kind of Fire

With all the recent interest in the Olympics, and the usual speculation regarding who will be selected to light the Olympic Flame, a different kind of fire comes to mind.

Love of Learning

William Butler Yeats, probably the greatest poet of the twentieth century, advised that education was not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. How apt a metaphor—and how important a role, if we can foster a love of learning in another.

Age of Enlightenment

Figures of speech likening ignorance to darkness and learning to light are time-tested and venerable. And they come as naturally as thought itself. The entire Western World progressed through the Dark Ages to a Renaissance and ultimately to the Age of Enlightenment.

We all currently have, or can develop, roles as parents or other varieties of mentors. We should welcome those duties as opportunities to change and form lives and to instill as we are able the love of learning in those with whom we interact.

Individual Institutions

Mark Twain said he never let his education get in the way of his learning. Perfect! We are all walking, talking individual institutions of learning if we choose to be so, and we have the ability to pass the torch on to others.

We all win the Gold if we brighten others along our own path.

  1. Avatar of Jack Eason
    Jack Eason says

    As a species, without education we would soon revert back to our primitive beginnings.

    The current generation’s lack of general knowledge, plus their complete lack of respect for others and their ignorance over what is happening across the world appalls me Andrew.

    Emphasizing the simple act of reading a book or a newspaper instead of spending hours watching mindless rubbish like reality television, surely has to become the number one priority regarding the young.

    Daily I find myself cringing over their behavior and attitudes. Sadly we are the ones responsible for the way they are.


  2. Avatar of Andrew J. Sacks
    Andrew J. Sacks says

    Jack, thank you for your customary thoughtful and perceptive reply. Let’s all do our small part in bucking a regrettable trend.

  3. Avatar of Kristin Fouquet
    Kristin Fouquet says

    Thanks for passing the torch of your knowledge, Andrew.

  4. Avatar of Andrew J. Sacks
    Andrew J. Sacks says

    Thanks for the read and reply, Kris.

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