What To Eat, Not When To Eat


What To Eat

What To Eat

As we drudge our way through these short dark and cold winter days, the lack of sunlight and fresh air can harm our psyche and our health.


Sunshine is needed for our body to produce vitamin D, which plays a significant role in our overall health, but specifically the gut. Seventy percent of our immune system is in our gut, and during the short days of winter, our immune system is vulnerable. In addition to an increase in colds and flu, a leaky gut is another unpleasant reality of a weaker immune system.

Your diet is critical to maintaining health throughout the year, but particularly during the winter months. It is essential to avoid foods that don’t promote health and indulge in foods that help support a robust immune system.


Yogurt is an excellent healthy snack food that promotes overall health and helps support a robust immune system. Essential to a healthy immune system and health are nutrients, and yogurt is an excellent source for them. Yogurt is packed with calcium and is the building block of teeth and bone structure. Consuming two cups a day will provide 100 percent of your daily calcium requirement.

Yogurt also contains healthy bacteria called probiotics, proven to promote a healthy digestion system. There have been studies that suggest yogurt consumption helps protect against constipation and diarrhea.

The saturated fat in the yogurt has been shown to promote heart health. Studies have shown the consumption of saturated fat from dairy products caused an increase in HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol). There is also evidence to support yogurt consumption reduces the overall risk of heart disease.


Almonds are another nutrient-dense food that promotes good health. Almonds are packed with fiber, protein healthy fats, and vitamins like vitamin E. The antioxidants in almonds help prevent damage to the molecules in your cells and has been proven to avoid inflammation and fight cancer. The brown thin outer layer of the almond is where most of the antioxidants reside, so try and prevent bleached almonds.

Almonds are an excellent choice for a snack for people who suffer from blood sugar levels. The low carb and high protein will give you a full feeling and help you avoid processed snacks that and other foods to avoid for leaky gut. Almonds are proven to lower bad cholesterol (LDL). By consuming almonds regularly, studies have shown LDL cholesterol levels dropped on average over 12 mg/dl.


Mongos are not only delicious, but they are considered one of the top healthy foods available. This delicious fruit helps to reduce body fat and promote gut health by improving the healthy bacteria in your digestive system thrive. Mongos are packed with vitamin C and play a massive role in promoting a healthy immune system.

High levels of beta-carotene, mangos are also excellent for eye health. The beta-carotene in mangos helps your body produce vitamin A, which promotes improved vision and prevents macular degeneration.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is another excellent food to add to your diet that factually boosts your immune system and helps keep your body functioning optimally. Regular consumption of coconut oil has been determined to increase good cholesterol and regulate blood sugar for those who have type two diabetes. Studies have shown coconut oil helps lower blood pressure and fight heart disease by lowering triglycerides and increasing good cholesterol (HDL).

Regular consumption of coconut oil has also been linked to improving liver health and helping prevent urinary tract infections. Coconut oil also helps with food digestion and overall gut health as it helps absorb vitamins and magnesium and helps our body remove toxic bacteria.

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