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Tips for Getting Pregnant

Tips for Getting Pregnant

Having a baby should be so easy… A woman’s body has been naturally engineered to do this very thing.

However, millions of women face the heartache of not being able to get pregnant quickly. If you are one of those women who have struggled and need help on how to get pregnant fast, here are some tips for getting pregnant:

First, determine your ovulation schedule. The typical woman can count fourteen days after the first day of her period to figure out when her ovaries release an egg.

In instances when a woman can’t track ovulation, an over-the-counter ovulation prediction kit helps. Taking your temperature daily will also determine ovulation. A woman’s temperature will change when she is ovulating.

Take your temperature first thing every morning, before getting out of bed. A change in temperature will indicate ovulation.

After that, the simple thing to do is just start having sex. While sex every day might be your first instinct, many experts agree having sex every other day still increases your chances of pregnancy.

Be sure to have sex the day before your determined ovulation. Immediately after having sex, abstain from using the bathroom or getting up.

While lying down after sex does not guarantee a pregnancy, it can help sperm reach the cervix. Lie down on your back for 10 to 15 minutes after intercourse. Most of all, enjoy your love life! Stress can make it hard to conceive and sex is a great stress-reliever!

Healthy lifestyle habits will also increase your chances of getting pregnant. Exercise, a sensible diet, no smoking…all of these seem like no-brainers. But, with the busy world we live in, a lot of our own health needs can fall to the wayside.

Make sure you are taking care of your body so it can take care of a baby once you do get pregnant. Also, be sure to take folic acid or even prenatal vitamins (with your doctor’s okay). These will help take care of your future pregnancy.

Statistically, 85% of women get pregnant within the first year of trying. If you are still having problems, be sure to see your doctor. It is important to remember to relax and know you are doing all you can to have your baby. While you may be ready NOW, any amount of time is worth it to hold that little miracle in your arms.

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