Are You a Pirate?


Are You a Pirate?

This week’s proven interesting in several bookish debates. One of which occurred when I received a Google Alert about my first novel, A Ranger’s Tale.

Are You a Pirate?

Rrrrr You a Pirate?

Someone had asked for it on a forum that hosts eBook sharing. After doing a bit of searching, it appears the site once hosted actual book files, but now only facilitates sharing between site members.

A few more threads from their moderators suggest how wholeheartedly they feel their methods are justified, even going so far as to claim that the extra exposure of proliferating e-book sharing will help authors in the end, lead to more sales, and get this…even movie deals.


And e-book sharing is not pirating, they say, because no one’s making actual money from the trade. In fact, they’re very supportive of authors and want to facilitate author/reader connection.


If that is the case, then why did the person requesting an illegal copy of A Ranger’s Tale (or the site administrators) not contact ME directly? Or the countless other authors whose work they’re sharing with all the sad souls who can’t afford books (in support, of course)?

My Message to Them

Since they never bothered to contact me: If you were to take a poll of the readers/reviewers of my work, I guarantee the vast majority received a free copy from me either in return for a review or as part of a giveaway. My books are not locked in some holy Ark of the Covenant which only the richest reader can access.

From my own experience, most up-and-coming authors are more than happy to communicate with readers. If they’re not running free downloads on Amazon, they are regularly offering up their books through giveaways and giving out review copies if you request one.

Book sharing sites like the one I’m referring to may not be selling pirate(d) copies, but by allowing others to share unlimited e-copies of any author’s work, without the express consent of the said author, are perpetrating the illegal trade of copyrighted work. I’m sure there are authors there who regularly interact with the members there, but I am not one of those, and to see a request for my book pop up there is surprising and annoying, considering how easy it is to contact me online.

Free Books

Many authors argue that every instance of file sharing is another lost sale. In my (and in most writers’) cases, we’re NOT reaping huge profits from our work. But, the point is, we have a right to control the distribution of our work. And yes, writing IS work.

Most books take months, years, or even decades to be completed, so we deserve to see something come out of it, even if it’s simply a review from a book we’ve given out for FREE. When you facilitate or participate in e-book sharing on sites such as this, you’re disrespecting that author’s time and efforts.

“How’s about a free book? No one
needs to know….”

The argument was also posed that one can share a print copy with no repercussions, so why not-ebooks? Sure, it’s easy as pie to email a file. No postage necessary. You don’t even have to meet in some dark alleyway. But, you see, when you share a print copy, unless you’ve snatched it from your local library or a bookstore, SOMEONE has purchased it. The author has been compensated for that copy.

Pass it around to your neighbors and weird aunts for all we care. In fact, I welcome that sort of sharing. You can even share a purchased (or rightfully obtained free) e-copy if you have an e-reader, and hand it over to your daughter to read–that’s great!    But, as soon as you duplicate that e-copy and start sending it out to people without the author’s consent, you’ve crossed the line.

The way I see it, if you cannot afford to buy a legitimate copy of a book, you have a few options. Take notes if you need to:

  1. Borrow a print copy from a friend.
  2. Borrow a copy from the library.
  3. Search Google for your favorite author or book, find his/her blog/Facebook page/Twitter, etc and see when they’ll be hosting their next giveaway.
  4. Contact the author you’re interested in by email (you can contact me in that little box in my right sidebar) and ask them for a review copy. And you know what? Writing a review really isn’t that hard. You can even ask me how if you’re not sure. I’m kinda nice like that. I enjoy helping people, as do most writers.
  5. Last but not least, and this one is hard to swallow for our “I have a right to something for nothing” society, DO WITHOUT. Seriously, most people, if they can’t afford a car, don’t go to a car lot and just drive off with a new Honda, while asking, “How else am I going to get one?” They walk, or ride a bicycle, or take the bus, or carpool….get my drift?

Let me end with a story from my childhood. Growing up, we were poor. My parents could barely keep a roof over our heads. And I LOVED to read, particularly during the summer when I didn’t have a thing to do because they couldn’t afford to send me to camp or take vacations. Granted, we didn’t have e-books back then, but you know what my mom did? She called our county library and asked for the Bookmobile to come to my house.

Every week, I could barely contain myself when that blue and white truck pulled up in our drive. And the driver knew what I liked, so he kept my favorite books stocked. I read just about every book that Victoria Holt wrote that way and returned them so others could enjoy them, too.

There was MY option. Now, in our digital age, finding a book to read is easier than ever. Yet, we don’t have to resort to stealing them in order to enjoy our favorite authors. Most of us are just a click away. We love and cherish our readers, for, without you, we’d just be writing for ourselves. Taking our books without our permission and without involving us in any way means that’s what we’re reduced to–just writing for ourselves.

And what’s the point of that?

  1. Avatar of Rick Carufel
    Rick Carufel says

    I agree with you Mysti, Just a few weeks ago there was a site that got pulled from the internet. I am all for giving away copies of my work, as you well know, but I would like to be the one doing the giving and not some website that I never heard of or has my permissions to do so as you do. Great piece. 🙂

    1. Avatar of MystiParker
      MystiParker says

      Exactly! Every single one of the pirates’ excuses are flawed. The fact remains that they want something for nothing, and they won’t stop doing what they’re doing unless they’re forced to.

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