It’s the Economy, Stupid


Do you recall the saying, “It’s the economy, stupid?”  We are talking not this time around, but previous statements and the economy improved until one clear day in September when our country began to fall apart. 

It is now three weeks before a Presidential Election and a debate coming up – will it be all about the economy, what the people want, need, and are talking about?  Will they discus a way to grow as a nation with solid plans.  Today it was reported in our local paper, “some signs of improvement in the economy.”

global-economyI have heard people saying Obama’s weakness is telling the people what he has done to help the economy in the past four years.  Will he step up to the voters and finally spell out both the good, bad, and ugly?

Today they tell us it’s better, unemployment is lower but have they forgotten unemployment, although extended, does wear out like an old pair of shoes.  The statistics are not showing those no longer standing in line, because their time is up. 

Will the President to be concentrate on the cities, once the hub of the workplace, replace jobs for those who lost them by improving working conditions, bringing in new industry where old factories stand like a ghost town.  One example of poor planning was in upstate N.Y. where a large corporation considered a large amount of land where the General Electric main plant once stood.  General Electric has left empty buildings, or torn down facilities, but never cleaned up the waste.  The new company said, it is a no go – when the soil was tested; their needs like many new companies for high tech need clean soil.  So the once bubbling city of Schenectady, had the opportunity to bring back employment, but because of the previous tenant, it fell through.

When I think of the economy, I think about jobs and housing – enough money to raise a family, and a good day’s pay.  Will the President talk about where new jobs will be coming from?  Who will be working at new plants, where clean land is needed in this world of technology? 

One such plant is located near Saratoga Springs, New York, in the town of Stillwater and Malta.  This company has brought in thousands of workers, filled new apartment complexes with those working in the construction field.  These workers were the first to arrive, although, promises were made – local contractors would be utilized, but most on site construction workers were from out of state.  You can twist those words somewhat, new apartment buildings, markets, hospitals, and so forth – have either been built or on the drawing board – a second complex for this company is also on the drawing board in the near future.  So once more, those empty apartments will fill with new contractors. 

Inside the next few month’s the area near Saratoga Springs, Malta, Clifton Park, expect an influx of over 2,000 additional workers, in addition to the first 2 – 4,000 who have been here for one to two years. Many of the new workers are immigrants, not exactly like the early 1900’s when they brought their skills to America but treated like criminals.  Today, America brings them here with the world of technology and experience. 

The community and many local towns and cities will benefit, everyone needs a home, and you have to fill that house with products bought here in America.  The need for restaurants and so forth – brings more jobs into the area, although this is one of the largest companies to be located in America.  You know when hospitals from neighboring cities are building complexes only a few miles from the plant, it is going to boom the economy, along with all this, they plan a city within their own forest as trees have been cut to make way for more jobs, schools, and opportunity. 

Albany Medical Center, Ellis Hospital, who serve cities near by with larger facilities are heading this way along with new sport bars, markets, shopping, housing, and remember those strip malls?  We can’t forget the plans for additional overnight stays at local Inn’s.  This all means more jobs, so why not spread the wealth around, and develop a plan with our own companies to branch out into other areas of our country, repeat the same action, elsewhere. 

What the economy means, as I stated, are jobs, homes, and new businesses, thriving by a growing population.  

This circumstance reminds me of the early 1900’s when immigrants were entering our country and began smalls butcher shops, bakeries, but remained in certain areas of the city, where they were comfortable, with others from where they came. 

General Electric Company began long ago with rules not to hire immigrants – referring to the Italians, and Polish moving away from their homeland.  They segregated cities until rules changed, allowing people to live in once, off limit locations, and they began hiring more immigrants as their business grew, building one factory after another, one office building after another.  Now the company needed more workers around the clock..  More work – more product, more income, and the economy takes off.  Thomas Edison and company – were immigrants, but from a different country, he did not consider himself an immigrant.  It is wonderful to see workers come to our country, and minds working together.  

We are now seeing new faces from other countries in every local school district, teachers in the area are not coping because many of their new students have no understanding of English. The need for more teachers in the field of languages will be of upmost importance.  The State of NY will have to add additional funds to its education, without doing away with what they have.  Remember every city and town deserves a good teacher, and a solid education.    

Will the President mention how he is in support of Community Colleges that provide the same education as the first two years in a four-year college, and as a resident, much cheaper. 

Our President came to the area to spread some good news regarding a new facility for students, and part of Hudson Valley Community College, announcing the building will be part of Global Foundries.  Agreements  between the Community College and the Corporation to start training those students interested in the field of high tech, at high school level, and then move them, if accepted, onto their private campus. This is a great idea. 

Do we hear about the good, bad, and ugly?  Will we hear about more plans like the one I talked about here, or are their plans in the near future, combining knowledge, people, and experience.  America today is too expensive, with taxes on old homes going through the roofs, taxes on property where the cities don’t pave roads or fix sidewalks.  These are the cities where factories left only toxic waste and no clean space for the future.

Will the President promise, or Romney promise, to enter these cities, clean up the left over’s, and begin anew. 

Remember, It’s the economy, stupid.

  1. Avatar of Bart
    Bart says

    Thank you Nancy, for another insightful article.

  2. Avatar of Nancy Duci Denofio
    Nancy Duci Denofio says

    Thank you Bart – and if you enjoyed this one I get pretty down right close to taking out an advertisement for the voters – in the next few. I have been involved in the politics of our nation since a child – it’s in the blood. I sincerely appreciate your time and comment. Sincerely, Nancy

  3. Avatar of Branka Cubrilo
    Branka Cubrilo says

    Very good article Nancy, yes, obviously you ‘have been involved in the politics since a child’. Good luck to your great nation!

  4. Avatar of Nancy Duci Denofio
    Nancy Duci Denofio says

    Branka, thank you so much for those words – we are a nation who needs to be heard, and Washington needs to listen, not just send us to a polling booth. Always, Nancy

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