Editing Articles & Submission
Okay, I’m leaning toward an apologetic plea for forgiveness from all of my readers. You see, I’ve sent out stuff that obviously needed re- editing and I tend to do this often. So, for those readers who still follow me after such grammatical screw ups?
I’m sorry you have to suffer through that, truly I am. Recently, I submitted a piece, great piece… might I add, on the how tos of living and learning from life experiences. I received a kindly acceptance to the piece with a gentle, but, stern note from the editor to “watch those typos.”
I wasn’t angry, only felt the slight sting from a teacher’s paddle as I sent a contrite apology to the editor, along with “I promise to do better” to emphasize my sincerity. Thank heaven the piece was published and I still got paid. The typo embarrassment lingers on in my psyche. Especially after re-reading the piece and finding simple misspellings, dangling participles and punctuation gaffs. Okay, so, I’m not perfect, but, dang it, I know how to spell! Truth? I didn’t care for Phonics!
I’ve never been diagnosed with dyslexia. I do wear bifocals and I do edit my work. Admittedly, rushed and half-heartedly, on occasion. Maybe, with all of these gentle, but, stern reminders from some very kind and professional editors, I need to make better use of Spell Check. Did I tell you, I won a spelling contest back in the day? Hmmm, way back in the day? I’ve learned a lot since starting on the journey to freelance writing over 6 years ago. Two truisms being; If you don’t apply what you’ve learned; “You’re still the amateur doing work of an amateur.” Also, bad grammar can detract from the writer’s credibility.
I’m a passionate writer who writes from the heart. I know I’ve got to edit a piece, not so much when I’m in the process of creating, as when it becomes a professional finished product. Readers should be given the very best of your work. It pangs me to know that by not checking for typos, I’m not giving them my very best. What pangs me even more? That once it’s out there and published for the world to see, there’s no delete or edit button to make your work flow…
Clara Freeman is a freelance writer and author of the self-help e-book, A Life Toward Authenticity: My Authentic Woman Story.
This is indeed a very helpful article for all of us struggling to get our writing act together. Thank you!
Thanks Judy! It’s always a learning process, isn’t it?
Thank you Clara, we need to use all the tools that we can muster and afford.
You have several comments on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/AngiesDIARY/
An interesting phenomenon: People read your story here, but comment on FB.
I am going to say something about this in Angie’s FB group now.
Thanks Sandra,
I neverr would have known about the FB comments and believe me, I welcome thoughtful responses:)
Take advice from one who knows and has learned from bitter experience Clara.
If for no other reason than your reputation as a writer, which in our world is everything, you should never ever publish before editing. Even comments you make like this one I am writing, must be error free.
Occasionally, very occasionally a typo will get through. They should be a rarity. Take pride in your work. If you don’t, quite simply no one will bother to read anything else you write in the future.
Best wishes,
Jack 😉
Spoken like a true mentor. I value your visit and words of writing wisdom. Thanks for adding it here, Jack.
Hi Clara, I, too, am troubled by editing errors. Most tell us to write our article first then go back and edit. I find this time consuming. I like to edit as I wri. Joyce. Spellcheck is a great tool. Best of luck
Thanks Joyce-
The more I write, the better I’ll become and Joyce, I plan to write for a very long time:)
Gotta love Spellcheck!