Anything Goes
Anything Goes
An article on tolerance got me thinking about Judith Levine and Peter Singer, two people I’d rather not think about. Levine suggests that sex between children and adults in some circumstances is not only okay but actually a good thing for the child.
She says most kids will say yes to sexuality at some point during their childhood or adolescent years and our choice as adults is whether or not we will help make those experiences safe, consensual, and happy.
According to Levine abstinence is as old-fashioned as the horse-and-buggy and totally unrealistic in today’s enlightened society. Pleasure of any kind is not to be denied to anyone, including children.
Never before has sex been as explicitly exploited in every aspect of the media as it is today. It’s in movies, music, and prime-time TV—and mostly presented as raunchy, loveless, and often violent.
Columnist John Leo says in a Zogby International poll of college seniors, seventy-three percent of the students said when their teachers taught about ethical issues the usual message was that uniform standard of right and wrong do not exist. What is right and wrong depends on differences in individual values and cultural diversity.
Leo cites a college professor who reported that ten to twenty percent of his students could not bring themselves to criticize the Nazi extermination of Jews.
Most students admitted they personally did not approve of the treatment of the Jews but would not say that the Nazis were wrong since “no culture can be judged from the outside and no individual can challenge the moral worldview of another.”
Leo says college students are rarely taught this directly but they absorb it as part of the multicultural, tolerant, diversified, nonjudgmental campus culture.
Are we moving into a near-surrealistic society where there is no right or wrong, anything goes, and no one judges or condemns anyone for anything including rape, torture, and mass murder?
Just when you think things can’t get any weirder, out trots Peter Singer.
Dr. Singer sits in the catbird seat of the Ethics Department at Princeton University. Radio talk-show host Glenn Beck assures his national audience that ten to twelve pages of any of Singer’s several books is enough to make any sane person’s head explode, but that Singer has outdone himself by claiming it is fine for people to have sex with animals as long as the sex is consensual.
Singer’s “speciesism” denies the sanctity of human life. He argues as if atheism were an obvious fact accepted by all, that since there is no divine sanction human life is worth no more than any form of animal life.
He contends that what makes one a “person” is reasoning, remembering, and recognizing others. Therefore fetuses, newborns, and Alzheimer victims are not persons but dogs and dolphins are. So since a newborn, like a three-month-old fetus, is not rational or self-conscious, infanticide, like abortion is not morally wrong.
Beck says he suspects he has somehow been hurled into a parallel universe; no such bizarre goings-on could possibly be happening in our own sane world.
It must have been in Beck’s upside-down, topsy-turvy, parallel universe that a colorful tabloid at a supermarket checkout featured a grinning three-hundred-pound Rosie O’Donnell, her chubby arm draped around the slender shoulder of her blonde girlfriend, declaiming to the world, “We’re pregnant!”
Go figure. Or call Judith Levine or Peter Singer.
Sex with animals is OK, as long as it is consensual. Just HOW does that work? I suppose he thinks, as long as you come out alive, that is OK. I would like to see him try it with a gorilla or a tigress. Wonder if he would agree, if they wanted to mate him, but he did not.
These people are sick beyond the depravity. I am surprised the stop at children and animals. In their books I assume incest is fine.
As adults it is our job to guide the young, how can we teach them. If every time we feel the urge, we say to them it’s OK, I approve of sex with children.
Just shows how too much education dulls the norms of society.
I don’t understand this obsession with sex. Without love sex is just a form of exercise. Yes it is a healthy thing to do but not the only way to get our endorphins jumping and jiving. My pops who was in the 2nd war told me stories of how soldiers had sex with apes. I laughed at him. He told me of the awful disease they got for fooling with Mother Nature. In these times it is called aids. If sex with apes started aids, what awful diseases can we get from other animals. It is unnatural and a dangerous thing to do for the human race. I can’t imagine why this man is allowed to teach at a college. What crazy theories must he be passing on to our younger race? As far as sex with children, why? Sex tears at a women’s uterus, what must it do to a smaller uterus? This is a very painful thing to do. We may forgive those who hurt us but never forget and will carry that pain into adulthood. Kids have it hard enough without tearing their bodies and minds up before they get a chance to be consensual adults..