A Story Worth Sharing?


A Story Worth Sharing?

Like an enormous number of writers out there, I spent years looking for someone who may prove to be vaguely interested in what I had to say when it came to story writing.

A Story Worth Sharing?Then a few years back I met an individual online who was part of a small press publishing company.

Fine – great! At last, I had found a means of getting my story out there along with the rest in the quagmire that is publishing today. The book sold a few hundred copies, mostly ebooks, which was also great. For the first effort from an unknown, I wouldn’t have expected much more. At long last, not just I and my close friends were now able to read it. It got some great reviews, which was totally unexpected and much appreciated.

Over the last several months, however, I got to thinking. Who is doing most of the work here? The simple answer was me.

So, if I was the one doing the most, why continue in the same vein, depending on the vagaries of a publisher’s schedule. Things came to a head recently when I challenged my publisher, which has now resulted in our parting company.

These days with the advent of ebook publishing systems like Amazon’s KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) it makes far more sense to do it all yourself anyway, especially given the steady rise of the ebook over that of its physical cousin. Self-publishing an ebook costs nothing when compared to physically printing a book.

And so, within a month or two I shall at long last self-publish the first science fiction story I ever wrote, then I’ll take a look at the rest. Right now I’m busy getting it ready.

1 Comment
  1. Avatar of Jack Eason
    Jack Eason says

    Note: That book ” Turning Point” has now been published as has my third novel “The Seventh Age”, which is selling really well, unlike Turning Point. 😀

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