The Subtle Shark


Business Leader Helps Cure Career Blues

Professionals, small business owners and the unemployed are all celebrated in one book – The Subtle Shark: Redefining Career Achievement by Ayesha R. Patterson. The business coach and consultant works with professionals seeking career growth as well as entrepreneurs expanding their businesses.

The-Subtle-Shark-Redefining-Career-AchievementPatterson’s book, The Subtle Shark: Redefining Career Achievement provides a roadmap to career success without the cutthroat antics and unbearable schmoozing.
Readers travel with her through her fast food gigs and corporate jobs that lend themselves as lessons in career progress. Most helpful to those in the beginning stages of their career and people stuck in that dead-end job, The Subtle Shark offers 20 tips, tricks and treats to becoming successful in your own way.

“Many people are unaware, like I once was, of a few tactics that can help ease any career blues,” says the 20-year management and leadership expert. “For starters, find a job or career that actually fits your personality. Sure, we all have to pay the bills, but there are opportunities in the job you’re in now. And if you haven’t had luck finding a job, let’s talk about starting your own business.”

Patterson climbed the corporate ladder from part-time cashier to being responsible for 400 employees across 13 states as Great Lakes Region Service Manager for a Fortune 500 company before starting Ayesha R. Patterson Consulting. She has since guided individuals as well as small businesses to success through preparation, organization and management.

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