Sal Richards – Behind the Laughter: Hidden Tears


Sal Richards – Behind the Laughter

One Voice: The voice and words of a person who wants the world to hear what’s in his/her heart and soul sharing their lives with the public in order to be heard are loud and clear in this outstanding autobiography written in the first person by author, entertainer, and comedian, Sal Richards.

Sal RichardsAll too often when people write their autobiographies they are dull and drone and use too many I’s and The’s while trying to recount their lives for readers and reviewers. Not this one.

From the opening sentence and throughout the entire book author Sal Richards envelopes the reader, puts the spotlight shining on his life, takes that microphone, and tells his story with the world as his audience and you as his most precious listener.

This is one autobiography that captures the heart of the reader, endears you to this wonderful comedian, singer and entertainer, and allows you to get to know Sal Richards: The Man.

The determination of one father to keep his family together despite a rocky start in his marriage, his first child dying, forming his own band, taking jobs that helped to make ends meet and dealing with hospitals that were negligent, a father whose voice is heard loud and clear, Sal Richards is truly a man to be admired. With a sister who died of anoxia, I do understand how Sal felt when the hospital was negligent and he was relentless and got his son the care he needed to sustain his life at all cost.

Hearing his voice as he tells this story about how he struggled to get his career going, his arguments with many stars, the scrapes he got into, and the hard world he lived in when trying to get started as a comedian, trying to keep afloat, he understands the inner man, the true feelings of not just a performer but a father, husband, and son.

As I looked through the magnificent pictures and saw his family I could see the love in his eyes, the pride of a father in his sons, and the closeness of a family that would never give up on each other. Take the journey along with Sal as you follow the history of his family in each of the photos each telling their own special story.

Behind the Laughter, Hidden Tears is a heartfelt, warm, and emotional autobiography that will make you laugh, smile, and bring tears to your eyes. Sal Richards is more than just an entertainer and as you read his story, understand his manner, and come to know him better. You will realize that he is not different than any one of us when learning life’s lessons and dealing with its agony and strife.

Losing his son right after his mother is probably more than one person can handle. I can truly understand as my mother-in-law passed right after my younger sister this July. I could feel the pain, hear the cries, and understand the frustration when dealing with doctors that are ambivalent and those that just forgot why they are there. Burying both a mother and then a son, Sal never gives up on life or himself and goes back to work bringing smiles and joy to those in his audience and to everyone who meets him.

Many lessons are learned as you take the journey with Sal from beginning to the present and learn what happens when falling apart is not the answer, losing jobs and setbacks that made him even stronger, and a man whose life is not only family-oriented but people-oriented and dedicated to making us laugh. As you read the final chapters of the book and understand the many tragedies that came his way, the ups and downs, and the strength to keep going no matter what, Sal Richards needs to add one more link in his chain of many careers: that of writer and Author.

A story so well told from the heart and soul of the author, entertainer, comedian, singer and so much more, this is one autobiography that everyone must read. From reading Sal’s story you too will gain insight, strength, and understanding of why it is necessary to think before we do something impulsive and never lose sight of what is valuable to us: Our Family.

I know that you must have more stories, anecdotes, and jokes you can share with the world. Why not write them down? Just remember one very important thing: Never Turn Off That Mike? The Stage Belongs to You!

P.S. Growing up I spent summers in the mountains or Catskills and went to Kutchers, Concord, Pines, Laurels, and all of the hotels you mention in this book. I felt that I was reliving a happy part of my life as you told me about your many shows and you let the reader and the world know that Sal Richards is not just an entertainer but is a kind and wonderful man. Inspirational, heartbreaking, and yet refreshing you definitely make people smile.

Author Sal Richards

1 Comment
  1. Avatar of Nancy Duci Denofio
    Nancy Duci Denofio says

    I understand where you are coming from when it comes to death and losing people, one after another. And the negligence at a hospital causing the death of two family members. I am a health care advocate for you, the people, and have been for 25 years. I have fought with the higher ups for better control. And, I will not give up. Bless you. Nancy Duci Denofio

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