Review: Dead Air


Inoculations what could be harmful having yourself vaccinated against childhood diseases? Why would a doctor give preferential treatment to certain patients allowing them to come for revisits and follow-up testing at specific times?

What about those who are against some of the tests being done on animals? What about all of the protesters that are on campus and those trying to safe these poor animals from their death? What about one tenacious on air talk show host named Sammy Greene takes her reporter hat and brings it to all of the rallies and protests hoping to get a scoop of her own. How does this all connect with her favorite professor being murdered and some of the lab students disappearing? Connect the dots after and only after you read my review and of course Dead Air by these two outstanding authors of the Sammy Greene series including their latest bestseller: Devil Wind.

Imagine sending your son or daughter to this University and they fall ill only to go to the Student Health Services to be treated by a doctor with a hidden agenda so diabolical it puts his/her life at risk. The services provided are anything but those that will improve anyone’s health and the secrets that lie within the walls, the lab and the test tubes will bring down many, kill those treated and bring chills down your spine and your entire body as you learn the truth and much more

Animal rights activities protesting the many experiments being done in genetics, pharmaceutical testing, as well as other special interests have changed the complexion of the academic world, the decisions being made in many Universities and colleges and Sammy will be not give up until she finds the answers to what really happened to Conrad Burton as well as the apparent suicides of several students.

Enter Dr. Reed Wyndham a third year medical student. Asked to accompany the famous Dr. Palmer during a autopsy of a student whose death was deemed an apparent suicide he is allowed to enter the Nitshi Research Institute filled with innovations much different than any he has ever seen. Completing the autopsy along with this doctor in the back of his mind he feels something is quite off about the entire procedure and outcome but says nothing.

Leaving the facility and going home he hopes to connect with Sammy who is hot on the trail of some breaking news herself. Finding an old article leading back to a suicide of another college professor years before, she heads for the home of Conrad Burton, informs him of what she found only to return finding him dead after intentionally leaving her purse there while interviewing him about his prestigious teaching award and then returning to inform him about what she learned in the newspaper article, little did Sammy expect to find him dead upon her next return. Also deemed as a suicide, our investigative reporter, journalist will stop at nothing to uncover the answers and track down the clues to find the real killer.

As a host of her own radio show she airs her opinion in many areas, gets involved covering many protest rallies and jumps right into situations although dangerous. But, along the way she comes against several stumbling blocks and she has already created a strong ire from Sergeant Pappajohn and many others.

Not everyone is without demons that come crawling back when you least expect him or her. Finding Burton dead, reading the note left behind recreates the moment in her life finding her own mother dead, overdose of pills and a note saying, “I tried,” devastating her for life and haunting her dreams. Searching his desk before the police arrive, she looks for a confidential letter that he was about to put into the post but has disappeared. Added to that a young man named Louis Abbot and several others are about to find out just what kind of vaccine and medication is provided by the staff of the Student Health Services and the deadly results they are about to endure. Scary, bone chilling to say the least and there is much more to come.

A basketball player who seems to have the fix on everything and is not worried about his grade point average. Dr. Marcus Palmer, the head of the Student Health Services is performing experiments on unsuspecting college students, which lead to their apparent suicides and causing them serious physical, and mental illnesses that no one is aware of. Added to that Sammy seems distracted by the events taking place, interviews many of Sergio’s friends and does not realize that she might be a target for these killers too.

Brought to light in this book is the issue of suicide in adults and college students. Some adults feel pressured, stressed or disgraced and find suicide as the easy route to solving and ending their problems. Others in college cannot handle the course load, the need for high grades, pressures put on them by their peers or in some cases the fact that they are up for tenure, grants and doing research projects that require money and extra funding that does not always do come through. Several student suicides all linked to one doctor. Several student disappearances for no apparent reason and several professors thought to have committed suicide but the facts do not add up.

Sammy Greene weighs all the evidence, the facts and realizes that there has to be a common denominator among all of these suicides in young people that were not depressed or showed signs of wanting to end their lives and two professors who had everything to live for and more. Why would someone want all of these people out of the way? What research is really being done behind the doors in the Nitshu Research Lab? What is this vaccine being developed and why are so many young people’s lives being sacrificed? You will not believe the rationale behind the thinking of those involved? Why won’t anyone, including her boyfriend believe Sammy that these suicides might really be murder? Who is after her and tried to run her down in the street? What is the real agenda of Reverend Taft?

As the authors clearly reached and shares with the reader the reasons why students, adults and teems commit suicide, they also bring to the forefront the devastating effects it has on family member left behind, friends that are close to the victim and feel they might have missed a sign, signal, hint of despair or change in the person’s behavior causing them to harbor guilt for life.

Behind the smoke screen of these suicides the authors reveal the hidden agenda behind the walls of the Nitshi Institute. What research is really being done and who is behind it causing these catastrophic results? Suicides or Murder? Sammy is persistent and no one wants to believe her. Evidence to prove that the missing students were killed and two college professors at the top of the careers murdered and made to look like suicides. The reasons behind these deceptions: Greed: Power and much much more that I cannot reveal.

Sammy Greene focuses several of her radio shows on this serious issue and includes Reed Wyndam to help counsel many of the listeners. But here is an underlying ripple or current added to the plot by activist Reverend Tate. As she begins to uncover the truth and aligns herself with many people, what and who appear trustworthy just might make her the next victim. When Sammy gives the engineer of the station, Brian, a tape she found in Conrad’s home to enhance the voices and hear what really happened that night before his death, the end result will astound the reader and once again Sammy falls prey to her own emotions when Brian becomes another victim of this killer.

A Japanese Professor closely aligned with Conrad thought to have committed suicide. Special interest groups looking to fund their immunology program and much more. When Sammy meets all of the players, adds up the evidence and puts it all together will she make out alive? Research is important and finding cures for deadly illnesses and diseases vital. The issue of animal testing vs. human is brought to light in this novel and the rationale stated by the characters in this book will give you much pause for thought and help the reader look at both sides of the controversy.

Who is behind all of this and what is the final outcome for the victims? Will anyone believe what she has put together? Will Sammy be able to trust anyone with the information she has uncovered or will she be the next casualty on behind the doors of the fourth floor of one lab filled with experiments that you would not want to be a part of. Will Reed and Pappajohn find out the truth before it is too late? An ending with a definite painful twist that will send more than fear and chills down your spine. Read Dead Air: My pick for this month’s outstanding novel

Authors: Deborah Shlian and Linda Reid
Fran Lewis: Reviewer

Sammy Greene: The Hot Line: Let’s Hope Her Voice Continues To Be Heard Loud And Clear:
This book gets Five Gold Microphones for Sammy To Air Her Messages.

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