I Don’t Wear A Suit
Everyone has his or her own style when going to work and the dress code has drastically changed. What is your Executive Image? Do you need to wear a suit in order to feel or be an executive? Why has the image changed?
The author states economics, cost or expense. Relaxed dress codes allow for individuality and accommodate the worker. Women have had much influence in the workplace and often set the tone with that basic black or blue suit. The author states I Don’t Wear A Suit is a must-have handbook for men and women for dressing great in TODAY’S workplace!
Someone walks into a room and you immediately check them out. You can’t help it. For some reason, it is a gut reaction or just something most people do. You check out the person’s clothes, hair, makeup, stance, and mannerisms and in five minutes or less, you have created your own assessment of the person whether a potential boss, co-worker or someone you encounter in a store. What are the factors that you look at?
According to the author, most people are influenced by the person’s or your visual signals that you emit. The clothing, body language, mannerisms, and body type are some factors you size up at first glance. Sometimes were judging a person who has disabilities as someone that might not be able to do the job and yet they are more qualified than others. Physical appearance should not denote the person’s capabilities but everyone often judges a book by its cover and a person too.
Looking good and creating your own professional look will definitely lead to a more successful career and respect in the workplace. The author continues by breaking down the type of clothes appropriate for work into three separate categories: Suits required, jackets required and finally jeans permitted. ON pages 8-15 she describes in detail when suits and jackets are required and when for both men and women. In certain situations at work more formal attire is the norm and at times Jeans are permitted. Where, when and why are described in detail on these pages in order to help you the reader determine which type of dress is required. If your company or boss does not have a dress code policy you might want to check out what others are wearing, your boss is wearing and decide which one fits your needs. Your appearance at work does count.
Chapter three is quite helpful and I will give you some of the tips that she shares with the reader in the chapter titled: Workplace Dress 101: Getting Started. Step one: Organize. Great advice to make sure your closet is properly organized, your hangers in one direction, clothes that you have not worn in a year, give them away and if something is too small or big it’s time to get rid of it. Goodwill or Salvation Army will be happy to take your clothes and someone else will be even happier to have them. Take it from me I just gave away over 25 bags of clothes for the above reasons and for lack of closet space.
Taking care of your clothes, keeping them in shape and ridding yourself of those metal hangers might be another way to keep your clothes protected and taken care of. You might even organize according to colors, texture, and style. Other valuable tips are Stick to Classics; Buy for Investment, Choose Great Fabrics and Accessorize for Impact. Elaborating on each of these things would negate having you read and learn these great tips for yourself. One important tip that I found, as well as the rest extremely important, is that skin care is not only essential but also vital. Makeup should be optional. Mix up patterns, fabrics, creates an outfit that is solid and if you are like me most of my wardrobe is dry-cleaned.
My Dad was a dry cleaner and I rarely had anything washed except those delicates that require hand washing or can be placed in a machine. Personal hygiene goes without saying. The rest of the chapter defines how to choose your wardrobe for work, when to wear pants and how to match it with shirts, shoes, jackets and more. The author even helps the reader learn what type of dresses to wear, shoes, accessories and more. If you are not sure what jewelry to wear she has helpful tips to guide you. The chapter is broken up into what women need to know and men too.
Color palettes have always been something that I love work on when creating a look or a specific wardrobe. After reading this book the reader will definitely be able to create your own palette of colors in order to define a look that is you.
The great part about this book is it covers all occasions whether work related, after five, casual or formal occasions and just plain having to decide what to wear for a specific event. This author covers it all and I think it is great. Formal whether White or Black Tie or Business Formal you need to look and act your best and never let your guard down. Defining White Tie, Black Tie, Formal, Casual, Daytime/Evening Formal and Semiformal will help the reader understand what is appropriate for every occasion. You do not want to make a fashion error nor do you want anyone to say that you made the list for What Not To Wear. What really impressed me is that the author includes the correct attire if you are visiting a foreign country, times to wear a uniform, charity golf classic attire and when you are invited to the home of your Boss. If you need a refresher all you have to do is open the book and the answers are right there.
For anyone who spends a lot of time traveling by car or in the air Chapter 6 will save you time, stress, money, and energy when planning what to take, how much to take the right wardrobe, accessories and much more. Here are some great tips. First, check out the weather where you are going to decide what you might need. You are not going to travel with a parka or winter coat if you are going somewhere warm and sunny. Buy luggage with wheels. Make sure the handles are easy to hold, manipulate. Check whether the bag has lots of side pockets. A great point is making sure that your luggage has a TSA approved lock and look for luggage where liquids can be stored. Make sure that your phone has a GPS and bring a folded umbrella. There are many other tips that you can find on pages 45- 49. Page 49 will definitely save you embarrassment, time and stress by explaining how to deal with TSA security in a better fashion. She defines the kind of shoes to wear, wear your blazer, a website for packing more efficiently and according to TSA guidelines, information on liquids, and much more.
Chapter 7 deals with the Foundation of Style, which includes, space, texture, form, proportion and more. Chapter 8 explains how you can make color work for you. Page 60 defines each color and its meaning it might even explain your moods as each color has its own mood, feeling and texture defined. Pages 60 -61 defines the colors again and when you should consider wearing these colors, how they enhance your complexion, skin tone, where and when to wear them and more. For example, White is best to accessorize with other colors. Dark, cool and dull colors make forms appear smaller. Light, warm and bright colors do the opposite they make objects look larger. She even includes a guide as to what to wear during each season, relating it to your skin tone, hair, eyes and suggests colors that would work best for you. In other words, as she states: “Color is light and affects our moods.”
The final chapters will help you decide what is best for you according to your body type, figure flaws, separating men and women. She discusses these differences and include how to create image that looks right in pants, skirts, stomachs that stick out, wide hips and even heavy thighs to make you look the right way in clothes at all times doing the same for men. The best part of the chapter starts on page 73 which will help you wear clothes that will make you longer slimmer. When and how to accessorize is next followed by taking care of your clothes or your investment. If you spend the money you need to take care of your wardrobe as if it is a precious stone or diamond. Important to care for what you buy as it is your ticket to success in the workplace and she includes tips in Chapter 11. Expanding on skin care and skin care products in chapter 12, plus buying quality items, how and when to shop and with whom, trying things on and where to look to see if you look good or not. How to check that everything you buy is made correctly and how to check for buttonhole quality and much more. The next chapter is directed to employers and the final chapter sums it up. How you are going to have to find out the rest for yourself or how else will you learn what I have learned by reading this great book. Following Chapter 15 is a glossary that will definitely help you understand fabric, style, color and much more.
Read this book. Remember: One size does not fit all. Create your own style. Remember never to forget that looking your best is your ticket to success. You need to feel great about how you look, have a positive outlook and learn the foundations of good style and design.
After reading this book I will definitely redo my closets, chuck out some more clothes and get rid of those wire hangers for starters. Author Victoria A. Seitz really says it all in this unique guide to looking better.