Bible Wisdom for Modern Times
Bible Wisdom for Modern Times
Editors Review by John Howard Reid’s, Bible Wisdom for Modern Times: Selections from the Orthodox Old Testament (Paperback) “…Do you find Bibles somewhat daunting and off-putting? I know I do. The first problem is the sheer size of the book.)” Says author, John Howard Reid!
Note: I agree with the author that most Bibles were not written for ordinary people and the mechanics of searching and deciphering its wisdom can be so displeasing; many are disheartened enough to give up quickly. This book is smooth and easy reading and the wisdom is very clear. I find it interesting Wisdom is referred to as “Her.” God is referenced as (He).
In the back of this 117-Page Bible of Wisdoms is a Chapter of Notes. Chapter One begins with the wisdom of love goodness, virtue, and doing right…He (God) quickly reveals His mind to men and women whose intentions are honest and who really put their trust in Him…
Distrusting the Lord God, in fact, is the very thing that separates men and women from God…Whether you believe in God or not, most believe if we look for good we will find good. If we look for bad, we will find sinners committing wickedness…
Wisdom is referred to as a kindly Spirit who loves all mankind…ending with…It was the works and words of ungodly and misguided men that called death into existence…
These fools considered death their friend. They pined for it. They made a covenant with it because they were not fit to take their place in heaven.
Note: We’re living in a war-torn world and the last line in this scripture speaks to me of all those who call death into existence…killing and maiming, rather than seeding and nurturing.
Chapter Six begins with:
Wickedness, if unchecked, can lay waste the whole earth,
Evil-doing overturns even the thrones of might rulers.
If a storm of anarchy is allowed to rise against them,
Like a tempest, it will winnow them away.
Note: Unfortunately, wickedness is contagious…and the longer it goes unchecked,
the more wicked it becomes; the last line in this Chapter reads…Wisdom reaches mightily from one end of the earth to the other. And She orders all things well.
“Greek” Ezra: The Story of 3 Wise Young men
Chapters 3 and 4
I really enjoyed this fable script about King Darius of Persia, the story begins when three guardsmen suggest a riddle for their King’s favor.
“Let us propose a riddle…such as What is the strongest force in the world? The winner receiving the title of King’s Special Friend and Kinsman with many rewards.”
The first Hesiod played to the King’s ego, naming the King. He is your overlord and rules overall.
Maximus proposed that alcohol was the strongest force in the world.
Zrubar, the third, proposed and won, that “for Truth lives and rules forever….truth never fails, Truth endures, Truth is just…Blessed by the God of Truth!”
The Psalms were always my favorites because they were the easiest to read. This Psalms Six was about Trust; Psalm Nine was about Mercy; Psalm Eleven, was about Deliverance and Psalm Fifteen was about Help in Distress.
In Song of Solomon, my favorite line is, …There are many things about kingship that affront a poet’s sense of beauty.
Note: Gods never die. Sinners deserve to die…
O Lord God of all,
Truly blessed is the man who trusts in You!
Proverbs begins with…Do you wish to acquire knowledge
And a deep understanding of the ways of God and man?
Then seek out Wisdom
Praise Her and proclaim Her!
I find this book very simple and inspiring to those who fear the time and commitment it takes to tackle any Bible. Love that springs from a pure heart, a clear conscious and real faith (not sham faith or pretending faith)…
Many of us would like to be known as “wise and learned teachers of the Law, like John Howard Reid, the author, but so many of us haven’t the faintest idea how to begin!
Smooth and easy reading. Beautiful pictures. Uncomplicated design and text.
I don’t think the Bible can be modernized without changing the word of God.
Hi Andrea. I agree.