
Brandon Craig Jones Mr.J
Brandon C. Jones:
UK Best Seller .MR.J® Awards:
Indie Print Press, Inc Book Awards (2011)
Angie's Diary VIP Award (2011)
Underground UK Publishing Book Awards (2011)
Meet Mr. J, a mouth-breathing-barbaric-lousy-writer so self involved that he failed Astronomy 101 because he literally thought the world revolved around him. Someone once stole his identity but it was quickly returned . . . along with several others to choose from. Mr. J is writing a new book or as he called it "an Amish blog". It will probably have more unread pages than crack dealer's beeper during the 80's.
Meet Mr. JPaperback: $11.95April 26, 2011
(1)Paperback: 68 pagesPublisher: Outskirts Press (April 26, 2011)
Language: EnglishAmazon Best Sellers Rank: #167 in Books
"Amphigory Almanac" ranked #38 on AMAZON'S TOP SELLER HUMOR BOOKS LIST July 17,2010 & Mr.J (brandon diddy jones) is nominated as BEST BREAKTRHOUGH AUTHOR 2011 by INDIEPRINT PRESS, INC For more information or to contact the author
A-list Award Achieving Author, Mr.J is nominated by Indiepress Inc
July 17, 2010 Amphigory Almanac: Hebetudinous Humour, Pedantic Prose, & Linguistic Levity: Meet Mr. J ranked number 38 on AMAZON'S BESTSELLER HUMOR LIST.'s Author Achievement
Amazon A-list Award Achieving Author, Mr.J is nominated by Indiepress Inc. as BEST BREAKTRHOUGH AUTHOR 2011.
-Muse Monthly Magazine
Mr.J's new book entitled AMPHIGORY ALMANAC is splendid, superb, and smart.
-Travel Trade Tribune
Mr.J commands the english language with terrific the power of Zeus that resonates from the surface of the page to the deepest crevice of the reader's imagination.
-Word-Nerd World Weekly
AMPHIGORY ALMANAC display's Mr.J's elogence and eloquence are subtle yet celebrated in this peice of paperback perfection.
-Elite English E-zine
Imagine if Mark Twain and Mitch Hedberg had a love-child of literature it would be named Amphigory Almanac.
-Quiet Quip Quarterly
AMPHIGORY ALMANAC's relentlessly razor sharp and remarkably rapid fire humor create the sparks that could set the entire sky on fire with wickedly wonderful wordplay.
-Geek Speak Gazzette
Make sure you have a dental plan before cracking open AMPHIGORY ALMANAC'S covers because it will be jaw dropping.
-Papercut Press Publishing
In the 19th century of fiction there was Lewis Carol, in the 20th century of fiction there was hemmingway, and now as readers embark the 21st century of fiction we fasten our eyes in awe to the newly named sultan of sonnets, the prince of prose, the wizard of wordsmiths: Mr. J.
-Novelist Newbie Network
What Edison was to electricity, what Marconi was to sound, and what terrible sitcoms was to Sherwood Shwartz is equivalent to what Mr.J is to comedic commantary.
-Bookworm Brodcasting Bros.
If boredom was a disease Mr.J's homerun hitting humor book AMPHIGORY ALMANAC would be the cure like insulin of intrigue to the diabetes of dullness.
Finally a voice for an unspoken generation speaks with acerbic wit and ear tickling vernacular that rings true. Parenthetically, 236 typos (i.e. errors of grammar, syntax, semantics, linguistics, etc) have been intentionally left, not to exasperate a maladroit writing skill, but to accent how frivolous and moot rules can be in creative writing. It's a "Where's Waldo" of Errors making it interactive for the grammar gurus' scrutiny. Sometimes the stream of consciousness may seem scatterbrained and unfocused, but this was not done adventitiously. Each word was diligently and rigorously labored over. The steadfast and unwavering pace of self deprecating and self disparaging levity reminds the reader that the mission of the book is to be jocular and jovial at its own faults, follies, and foibles. Debuting author, Brandon C. Jones, hits the scene with his complete collection of work. Each chapter is autonomous and non-interdependent on the others. It's the kind of treatise that can be read in several different settings without losing momentum. Tone, word choice and style fluctuate, but motifs of a throwback to archetypal Woody Allen's erudite absurdity act as the midwife to the birth of a refreshing style of American literature.
Mr.J is currently working on 3 new novels, a joke-a-day calendar, submissions for media, and is featured in USA TODAY reporting his nomination for the coveted "BEST BREAKTHROUGH AUTHOR 2011 AWARD" presented by the reviewers and staff of UK's underground publishing house, Indie-Press, INC.