Pete Densmore


Pete Densmore: DADspirations: The 1st 100 Days of Fatherhood. Tips for Parenting Every New Dad and Dad-to-Be Should Be.

Paul Collins–Tell us about your background. Who you are, where you are from?

Pete Densmore- I’m a husband, a father of 2 (3-year-old boy and 14-month old daughter) and live in the suburbs of Chicago. I earned a B.A. in English at the University of Iowa, but my career is in pharmaceutical advertising—go figure. My first book was published in August of 2012, called DADspirations: The 1st 100 Days of Fatherhood. Tips for Parenting Every New Dad and Dad-to-Be number of mistakes as every other parent and don’t have any fancy combination of letters after his name. I do believe that anyone can be an inspired dad as long as he wants to put the time, effort and heart into becoming one.

Buy the Book here

My quirk: I always listen to movie scores when I write. No words or lyrics, just random background sounds and I have a playlist that I put on repeat while I wear headphones. I excel at zoning out (just ask my wife), so I can write with friends at a loud coffee shop or on the couch at home.

Paul Collins–What themes does your book explore and what do you hope the readers will take away from the experience? Is there a particular feeling or experience that you hope to evoke for the reader?

Pete Densmore- As a first-time dad, I had no idea what awaited me in the first few months of fatherhood. Life was busy enough helping out my wife where I could, busting my butt at work, and trying to plan for our future. I had little time to talk, listen or read about becoming a dad. In hindsight, that was a mistake. I should have made the time because so much happens so quickly and had I just been a tad prepared for the first few months, it would have been smooth sailing. Instead, it took many months for me to find my groove. When my wife announced she was pregnant with our second child, I decided that I wasn’t going to wait this time around. So, I created this book to help my fellow man, a strategy that will give you the important things to know and some fun ideas you can do that will show you how to be that Super Dad you aspire to be.

Paul Collins–What prompted you to be an author and did you have a specific inspiration in mind? Were you influenced by a certain person, artist, or genre?

Pete Densmore- When I was 10 years old, I read Tourist Season by Carl Hiaasen. It was the first book that had me laughing out loud throughout. When I finished, I thought to myself, “I want to write something like that when I get older.” To this day, Hiassen is the only author that continuously provides me with that experience in each of his books. Like Hiassen, I wanted to incorporate sarcasm and light-heartedness into my book, I just didn’t expect that book to be a parenting guide. I have my daughter to thank for that inspiration.

Paul Collins–If you could compare your book to any other existing works, which ones would it be and why?

Pete Densmore- Dad’s Book of Awesome Projects: From Stilts and Super-Hero Capes to Tinker Boxes and Seesaws, 25+ Fun Do-It-Yourself Projects for Families by Mike Adamick is a great book that reinforces the theme of proactive, creative parenting. Adamick’s book is geared for young children, whereas my book is focused on activities at the infant stage.

Paul Collins–Tell us about your latest work and what inspired you.

Pete Densmore – DADspirations: The 1st 100 Days of Fatherhood. Tips for Parenting Every New Dad and Dad-to-Be Should Know helps to answer three common questions that dads-to-be have:

• Do you know why the first months of parenthood are critical for a dad-to-be or new father?
• Do you want to be a new dad who is dependable, but still fun?
• Are you a father to be who is anxious for, or unsure about, the arrival of your newborn?

This book helps dads-to-be and new dads understand how having a plan can help deal with the unknown and develop a strategy that will make your first 100 days as positively impactful as possible. It includes an actionable checklist of ideas to help dads become the best father they can be at the most important time. Illustrated with photographs, this book for new dads showcases 35 ideas to help dads quickly succeed in fatherhood. Some of these ideas referred to as DADspirations include:

• Develop a baby birth time capsule, which captures all of the precious moments from a day a parent is likely to forget.
• Send a wife to the spa, which secures for dad an afternoon of introducing the art of football to the baby.
• Build a toy box, which gives a dad the excuse to spend an entire day alone in the garage with power tools & beer.
• Organize a GNO for a wife, which allows a dad an evening of personal snuggling with his newborn.

This dad-to-be book also addresses common issues and challenges that a dad encounters while also ensures they can be effective at the most critical time of being a dad, including:

• How to always remember your first few days with baby
• How to bond quickly with your baby
• How to avoid the baby blues
• How to capture precious moments and baby’s firsts
• How to shower your love towards mom and baby
• How to keep the romance with mom fresh and lively
• How to easily stay (or become) fit without leaving the house
• How to plan for your baby’s future security
• How to keep your wife smiling and baby engaged

Recent News and Awards:

• Featured in PEOPLE as one of the HOTTEST baby products in the market
• Featured in PEOPLE as a dad-to-be gift idea
• Recognized as a FINALIST in the Category of Parenting & Family by the National Indie Excellence Awards
• Winner of a Telly Award For the DADspirations Book Trailer
• Winner of a bronze Global eBook Award in the Parenting/ Family Non-Fiction category for its dad-to-be book

Paul Collins–How can your readers contact you? Or buy your books? Or where can they sign up for a newsletter?

Pete Densmore- For more information on Pete Densmore or DADspirations: The 1st 100 Days of Fatherhood. Tips for Parenting Every New Dad and Dad to Be Should Know, please visit my website:

Paul Collins —Thanks for taking the time for this interview. All the best!

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