Jamieson Wolf
Jamieson Wolf is an award-winning, Number One Best Selling Author of over sixty books.
He is an accomplished artist, working in mixed media, charcoal, pastels and oil paints. Additionally he is an amateur photographer, a poet, perfume designer, and graphic artist.
Tell us about your background. Who you are, where you are from?
I was born in Ottawa Ontario Canada 36 years go. Although I’ve left home for various things, I’ve always come back. Home is where the heart is, after all. I’ve been writing all my life and am now the author of over sixty books in many different genres’s. I am also an artist of abstract works in mixed media.
What themes does your book explore and what do you hope the readers will take away from the experience? Is there a particular feeling or experience that you hope to evoke in the reader?
My latest book, Talking to the Sky, is a book of poems. It was a very personal book for me. The poems were written during 2013 when I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I was struck with it on December 31st, 2012 and was bedridden for a month. When I was able to try my hand at writing again, it was difficult. I was only able to write a few words at a time as it was all I could do.
Since I’m a storyteller, I decided to tell stories in a different way. I began to stitch the words I could get out into poems. In that way, I was still writing. The poems touch on many different themes: getting away from an abusive relationship, coming to terms with my disease, getting out into the world of dating again and just discovering who I was now. I look at the collection as part memoir, part journey to healing.

What prompted you to be an author and did you have a specific inspiration in mind? Were you influenced by a certain person, artist, or genre?
I’ve always loved Stephen King. He writes books that speak to me; that connect with me. When I was younger, I loved The Princess Bride, the Wizard of Oz novels. Other authors were John Saul, Anne Rice, Christopher Moore, Carol Shields. Oddly enough, I thought I was going to be a horror author. While I’ve written some horror novels, it’s not the genre that I write the most of. However, they writers that inspired me to want to be a writer.
If you could compare your book to any other existing works, which ones would it be and why?
I guess Talking to the Sky could be compared to the work of Leonard Cohen in that the songs within look at the world with unflinching honesty. Also the poetry of E. E. Cummings in that he put his heart into his poems.
Thanks for taking the time to do this interview. All the best!
Thanks very much for having me!
I can totally relate to the abusive relationship thing, the love of different genres, and the usefulness of poetry. I recently got back in it because of the ease and relaxation it brings. Awesome interview!