Interview with Fran Lewis


Interview with Fran Lewis

Fran Lewis is an amazingly talented, creative, inspiring, and thought-provoking author. She’s also one of the busiest people I know. She writes books & articles, reads constantly, writes book reviews, hosts shows on Blog Talk Radio, and still has time to answer questions for my interview. I’m greatly honored and blessed to have such a wonderful friend.

Interview with Fran Lewis

When did you start writing?

I started writing when I was about 4. I do not remember a time when I was not writing stories, poems or passing notes to my sister under the blanket at night.

My mom would say lights out but never knew we had flashlights under our blankets and notepads so that we could send each other messages whenever we wanted. Writing short stories, poems for cards, and longer stories was always something that I loved doing.

Writing my first children’s book was my Aunt Tova’s idea. She made me promise her before she passed away that I would do something with my writing skills other than writing lesson plans and help some of the teachers in my schools with their observation lessons.

She encouraged me to write short stories, articles and post them on which I did and then my first book. Little did I ever know that I would be writing book reviews, online interviews, blogs, endorsements, intros to books, and much more.

What gave you the idea for your first book?

My nephew Jake was laughing at the way I was sitting in a restaurant. I was pouting because I had just started my diet. My sister looked at me and said that I reminded her of my grandma Bertha who sat the same way. I told her she reminded me of my spoiled Aunt Tillie.

My nephew Jake cracked up and just started to chant: You are Bertha and she is Tillie and that would be great as the characters in a book. Thinking about some of the wild things my sister and I did as kids I decided to write my first book which was 6 short stories. Each story is another real-life and true adventure that my sister and I had growing up.

What genre do you write?

Children’s books, non-fiction/self-help, And hopefully a murder/mystery

What do you do to keep yourself focused?

My sense of responsibility to the promises that I make to myself and others. When I promise an author to complete a review I tend to make sure it is done way before they expect it. My mom would always make sure that homework was done the very minute we walked through the door even on Fridays. I enjoy reviewing books and working with authors and I think since I have had so much sadness in my life working and helping others keeps me focused and centered and allows me to put the sadness aside.

What inspires you?

It is not what but who inspires me. My sister was my biggest fan and she kept me motivated, on task and was always there to present and give her constructive criticism to my stories, reviews, and more. I really miss her. She really thought that what I am doing was great and enjoyed being part of it especially at signings, readings, and other events.

Do you stay with one project or do you work on multiple projects?

I can focus on at least three or four projects at once.

What is your writing process?

I never really think about a process I just write. What comes to mind and what I feel like writing about is what comes out on my computer. One day it could be a review the next a short story. I tend to write down all of my projects on a notepad, prioritize them and go from there.

What is the theme of your novel?

If and when I decide to write one it will be a murder based on a true story.

What is your latest release?

Because We Care: Coming out this month.

What other books do you have published?

My Name is Bertha – Bertha Speaks Out – Bertha Fights Back – Memories are Precious – Sharp As A Tack or Scrambled Eggs Which Describes Your Brain? – Because We Care.

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